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Growers and technologists review new apple variety performance


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Members of the BEST Fruit Discussion Group had the unique opportunity of reviewing the performance of the four leading newer varieties currently available to growers. Rubens, Jazz, Kanzi and Cameo were assessed by leading growers and technologists togain an invaluable update of their performance. Of these four varieties, Rubens and Kanzi are assessed in this report. Jazz and Cameo will be assessed in a future issue. Rubens is probably the most recent introduction, having been trialled by Norman Collett Ltd in 2004, with the first commercial plantings made in 2007, since when 150,000 trees have been planted. Nigel Jenner, Technical Director, Norman Collett Ltd, explained that Rubens is a Gala x Elstar cross made in 1988 in Italy, and is a consortium/club variety. Trees are available from the company, which also markets the fruit.
机译:最佳水果讨论小组的成员有独特的机会来审查目前可供种植者使用的四个主要新品种的表现。领先的种植者和技术专家对鲁本斯,爵士,坎兹和卡梅奥进行了评估,以获取宝贵的绩效更新信息。在本报告中评估了这四个品种中的鲁本斯和康兹。爵士和客串将在以后的版本中进行评估。鲁本斯(Rubens)大概是最新的产品,2004年由诺曼·科莱特(Norman Collett)公司进行了试验,自2007年开始种植15万棵树以来,首次进行了商业种植。 Norman Collett Ltd.技术总监Nigel Jenner解释说,Rubens是Gala x Elstar十字架,于1988年在意大利制造,是一个财团/俱乐部品种。该公司提供树木,该公司也出售水果。



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