首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Veterinary Research >Animal Health and extension services: perceived effectiveness by livestock farmers under special livestock protection scheme

Animal Health and extension services: perceived effectiveness by livestock farmers under special livestock protection scheme


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The study was conducted to measure the motivational characteristics of livestock farmers to participate and utilize the animal health services, technical inputs and extension services under the special livestock protection scheme i.e. animal husbandryprogramme of Tamil Nadu. The study was carried out in four villages, two each from plain and hilly blocks of Erode district. A structured interview schedule was used to investigate the factors which motivated the farmers to avail and utilize the services of the scheme. Free vaccination and deworming at doorstep, accessibility of veterinary and extension services free of cost and ease in transport of animals and birds to camps under the scheme were perceived as major motivating factors to utilize the services of the scheme by the livestock farmers. All beneficiaries invariably utilized the vaccination against the contagious diseases among the animal health services. Majority of them also utilized the services like deworming, treatment of their animalsand input facilities like fodder seed, dewormers, mineral mixtures and leaflets regarding livestock farming. Services under the scheme were perceived highly effective by 25 % of the beneficiaries followed by medium level of effectiveness revealed by 52%dairy farmers.
机译:这项研究是为了测量牲畜农民在特殊的牲畜保护计划(即泰米尔纳德邦的畜牧计划)下参与和利用动物保健服务,技术投入和推广服务的动机特征。该研究是在四个村庄中进行的,每个村庄分别来自埃罗德地区的平原和丘陵地带。使用了结构化的访谈时间表来调查促使农民利用和利用该计划的服务的因素。在该计划下,免费疫苗接种和驱虫,可免费获得兽医和推广服务,以及根据计划将动物和鸟类运输到营地的便利性被认为是畜牧业者利用该计划服务的主要动力。在动物保健部门中,所有受益者都始终使用针对传染性疾病的疫苗。他们中的大多数人还利用了诸如驱虫,对动物进行处理以及输入设施(如饲料种子,驱虫剂,矿物混合物和有关畜牧业的传单)的服务。 25%的受益人认为该计划下的服务非常有效,其次是52%的奶农显示中等水平的服务。



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