首页> 外文期刊>The Indian journal of medical research. >Dengue fever caused by dengue virus serotype - 3 (subtype-Ill) in a rural area of Madurai district, Tamil Nadu

Dengue fever caused by dengue virus serotype - 3 (subtype-Ill) in a rural area of Madurai district, Tamil Nadu


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Sir,Dengue fever (DF) is considered as a serious global public health problem, since an estimated 2.5 billion people around the world are at risk of contracting dengue infection and among the infected people 250,000 patients may progress to severe form of diseases namely, dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF)/ dengue shock syndrome (DSS) annually. In India, DF and DHF had been documented in different parts of the country. In southern India, particularly, in Tamil Nadu, DF and DHF have been well documented. During July 2007, cases of suspected dengue fever were reported from two rural areas/hamlets namely O. Alangulam, P. Alankulam near Madurai Corporation, Madurai, Tamil Nadu. The present communication reports the results of the serological and virological analysis carried out in the affected area to find out the aetiology of the suspected outbreak. The hamlets get drinking water from bore well pump. Roofed and thatched houses are the common pattern of human settlements existing in these hamlets.
机译:主席先生,登革热(DF)被认为是严重的全球性公共卫生问题,因为估计全世界有25亿人有感染登革热的风险,在受感染的人群中,有25万患者可能会发展为严重疾病,即登革热每年出血热(DHF)/登革热休克综合征(DSS)。在印度,DF和DHF在该国不同地区都有记录。在印度南部,特别是在泰米尔纳德邦,DF和DHF的文献资料很丰富。 2007年7月,据报告来自两个农村地区/小村庄的登革热疑似病例,分别是泰米尔纳德邦马杜赖马杜赖公司附近的O. Alangulam,P。Alankulam。本来文报告了在受灾地区进行的血清学和病毒学分析的结果,以查明疑似疫情的病因。小村庄从井泵中获取饮用水。屋顶和茅草屋是这些小村庄中人类住区的常见模式。


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