首页> 外文期刊>The European journal of health economics: HEPAC : health economics in prevention and care >The link between past informal payments and willingness of the Hungarian population to pay formal fees for health care services: results from a contingent valuation study.

The link between past informal payments and willingness of the Hungarian population to pay formal fees for health care services: results from a contingent valuation study.


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We examine the willingness of health care consumers to pay formal fees for health care use and how this willingness to pay is associated with past informal payments. We use data from a survey carried out in Hungary in 2010 among a representative sample of 1,037 respondents. The contingent valuation method is used to elicit the willingness to pay official charges for health care services covered by the social health insurance if certain quality attributes (regarding the health care facility, access to the services and health care personnel) are guaranteed. A bivariate probit model is applied to examine the relationship between willingness to pay and past informal payments. We find that 66?% of the respondents are willing to pay formal fees for specialist examinations and 56?% are willing to pay for planned hospitalizations if these services are provided with certain quality and access attributes. The act of making past informal payments for health care services is positively associated with the willingness to pay formal charges. The probability that a respondent is willing to pay official charges for health care services is 22?% points higher for specialist examinations and 45?% points higher for hospitalization if the respondent paid informally during the last 12?months. The introduction of formal fees should be accompanied by adequate service provision to assure acceptance of the fees. Furthermore, our results suggest that the problem of informal patient payments may remain even after the implementation of user fees.
机译:我们研究了医疗保健消费者支付医疗使用正式费用的意愿,以及这种支付意愿与过去的非正式付款之间的关系。我们使用来自2010年在匈牙利进行的一项调查的数据,该调查的代表样本为1,037名。如果能够保证某些质量属性(关于医疗机构,服务和医疗人员的访问权限),则采用或有估值法来促使人们愿意为社会医疗保险所涵盖的医疗服务支付官方费用。应用双变量概率模型来检验支付意愿与过去非正式支付之间的关系。我们发现,如果提供具有一定质量和访问权限的服务,则66%的受访者愿意为专科检查支付正式费用,而56%的受访者愿意为计划的住院支付费用。过去对医疗服务进行非正式支付的行为与支付正式费用的意愿成正相关。如果被访者在过去的12个月中非正式地付费,则被访者愿意为卫生保健服务支付官方费用的可能性要高出22 %%,而住院治疗则要高出45 %%。引入正式费用时,应提供适当的服务以确保接受费用。此外,我们的结果表明,即使在实施了用户费用之后,非正式患者支付问题仍然存在。



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