首页> 外文期刊>The Diabetes educator >Training YMCA wellness instructors to deliver an adapted version of the Diabetes Prevention Program lifestyle intervention.

Training YMCA wellness instructors to deliver an adapted version of the Diabetes Prevention Program lifestyle intervention.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this article is to describe efforts to develop and administer a formal curriculum to train community workers to deliver a group-based adaptation of the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) lifestyle intervention in YMCA settings. The DPP demonstrated that a structured diet and physical activity intervention that achieves and maintains modest weight loss for overweight adults with impaired glucose tolerance can significantly reduce the development of diabetes. Although tens of millions of American adults could benefit from access to the DPP lifestyle intervention, there currently is no available model for nationwide dissemination of this highly beneficial and cost-effective approach to diabetes prevention. A description of 2 ongoing randomized pilot studies provides information about the feasibility and effectiveness of future efforts to apply this new training curriculum on a national scale. CONCLUSIONS: Diabetes educators are challenged to partner with community organizations and other health care workers for extensive distribution of the DPP lifestyle intervention messages.
机译:目的:本文的目的是描述开发和管理正式课程以培训社区工作者在YMCA环境中进行基于小组的糖尿病预防计划(DPP)生活方式干预的改编的努力。 DPP证明,针对糖耐量受损的超重成年人,实现并维持适度的体重减轻的结构化饮食和体育锻炼干预措施可以显着减少糖尿病的发展。尽管成千上万的美国成年人可以从接受DPP生活方式干预中受益,但目前尚无可在全国范围内推广这种高度有益且具有成本效益的糖尿病预防方法的模型。对2项正在进行的随机试验研究的描述提供了有关在全国范围内应用此新培训课程的未来努力的可行性和有效性的信息。结论:糖尿病教育者被要求与社区组织和其他卫生保健工作者合作,以广泛分发DPP生活方式干预信息。



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