首页> 外文期刊>The Automotive Engineer >20% of Aussie motorists risk mechanical failure by refusing regular car services

20% of Aussie motorists risk mechanical failure by refusing regular car services


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An independent consumer survey by Canstar Blue revealed 20% of Australian motorists surveyed have placed themselves at risk by not servicing their car regularly over the past twelve months in the hope of saving money. "It is concerning that a substantial number of Australians are putting themselves and their loved ones at risk to save money given neglecting their cars in this way is likely to cost them far more in the long run," said Canstar Blue Manager Rebecca Logan. "Irregular car servicing places motorists at risk through a greater chance of oil sludge build up on the engine, mechanical failure on the road, excessive wear and tear and far greater running costs in the long term." "The survey showed NSW residents were most likely to let regular car servicing lapse at 25%. It was also interesting to note 38% Generation Y respondents recently neglected servicing their car compared with a mere 12% of Baby Boomer respondents."
机译:Canstar Blue进行的一项独立消费者调查显示,接受调查的澳大利亚驾车者中有20%在过去的12个月中没有定期保养汽车,以期省钱,从而使自己处于危险之中。 Canstar Blue经理Rebecca Logan表示:“令人担忧的是,由于忽视这种汽车,大量澳大利亚人正面临着省钱的风险,这很可能使他们付出更多的代价。” “从长远来看,不定期的汽车维修会增加机油污垢在发动机上的堆积,道路上的机械故障,过度的磨损和更大的运行成本,从而使驾驶者面临风险。” “调查显示,新南威尔士州居民最有可能让定期汽车维修的比例降低到25%。有趣的是,最近有38%的Y世代受访者忽略了汽车维修,而婴儿潮一代的受访者仅为12%。”



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