首页> 外文期刊>The American Midland Naturalist >Seasonal variation in photosynthetic rates influences success of an invasive plant, garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata)

Seasonal variation in photosynthetic rates influences success of an invasive plant, garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata)

机译:光合速率的季节性变化影响入侵植物大蒜芥(Alliaria petiolata)的成功

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Alliaria petiolata, an invasive biennial plant, actively grows and achieves high maximum rates of photosynthesis in early spring during its second growing season, when many indigenous ground layer species are still dormant and high levels of irradiance reach the forest floor. Alliaria petiolata also extends its growing season into the summer through stem elongation and production of new leaves that are adapted to ambient irradiance levels, unlike native deciduous forest spring ephemeral species or summer forbs. Photosynthetic rates for two populations of A. petiolata in a forest ground layer were measured in Summer and fall of the plant's first growing season (1998) and in spring of the second growing season (1999). During the second growing season, estimates of native ground layer cover were made at 3-4 wk intervals from early April to late May. Maximum photosynthetic rates (A(Max)) were positively correlated (r(2) = 0.791, df = 3, P = 0.0436) with mid-day irradiance reaching the forest ground layer and were negatively correlated (r(2) - 0.911, df = 3, P = 0.0116) with percent ground layer cover. The highest A(Max) (mean +/- SE) occurred on 6 April (17.8 +/- 0.6 mumol CO2 m(-2) s(-1)) and then declined during May, being 8.8 +/- 0.3 mumol CO2 m(-2) s(-1) and 4.7 +/- 0.4 mumol CO2 m(-2) s(-1) on 2 and 24 May, respectively. Alliaria petiolata's pre-adaptation to achieve maximum rates of photosynthesis before the active growth of many native ground layer species when irradiance reaching the ground layer is high, and temperature and moisture conditions are favorable for the species, contributes to its successful spread and eventual domination of forest ground layers.
机译:多年生入侵植物小蒜Alliaria petiolata活跃地生长,并在第二个生长季节的早春达到很高的最大光合作用率,这时许多本地地层物种仍处于休眠状态,并且高辐照度到达了森林地面。与原始落叶林的春季短暂植物或夏季禁忌草不同,小蒜Alliaria petiolata还通过茎伸长和产生适应环境辐照水平的新叶片,将其生长季节延长至夏季。在该植物的第一个生长季节的夏季和秋季(1998年)和第二个生长季节的春季(1999年),测量了森林地表层中两个小叶拟南芥种群的光合速率。在第二个生长季节,从4月初到5月下旬以3-4 wk的间隔估算了自然地表覆盖率。最大光合速率(A(Max))与中午辐照度到达森林地面层呈正相关(r(2)= 0.791,df = 3,P = 0.0436),并且呈负相关(r(2)-0.911, df = 3,P = 0.0116),且接地层覆盖率为百分比。最高A(最大)(平均+/- SE)发生在4月6日(17.8 +/- 0.6摩尔mol CO2 m(-2)s(-1)),然后在5月下降,为8.8 +/- 0.3摩尔mol CO2 m(-2)s(-1)和4.7 +/- 0.4 mumol CO2 m(-2)s(-1)分别于5月2日和24日。当到达地面层的辐照度高,温度和湿度条件有利于该物种时,小蒜Alliaria petiolata可以预先适应,从而在许多原生地层物种活跃生长之前实现最大的光合作用速率,有助于其成功传播并最终控制森林地面层。



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