首页> 外文期刊>The American mathematical monthly >REVIEWS Mr. Hopkins' Men: Cambridge Reform and British Mathematics in the 19th Century. By AlexD. D. Craik.

REVIEWS Mr. Hopkins' Men: Cambridge Reform and British Mathematics in the 19th Century. By AlexD. D. Craik.

机译:霍普金斯先生的著作:19世纪的剑桥改革与英国数学。作者:AlexD。 D. Craik。

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One of the labels I have acquired in my academic life, and not one of which I amleast proud, is that I am a wrangler, albeit a comparatively lowly one. If you knowsomething of Cambridge University, for instance if you have read G. H. Hardy's AMathematician's Apology [2] or J. E. Littlewood's A Mathematician's Miscellany [I],you will know that this does not mean I can lasso a horse. Rather, it means that Ireceived first class honours on the Mathematical Tripos (Part II), the Cambridge B.A.examination for mathematics. (In Webster's Dictionary, you will find this definitionlisted before the one involving horses.) Until 1910, when Hardy finally put an end tothe custom, wranglers were publically listed in order of merit, with the senior wranglerat the top of the list, followed by the 2nd wrangler, 3rd wrangler, etc. Hardy was 4thwrangler in 1898; Littlewood tied for senior wrangler in 1905. In 1966, although rankswere not posted, your college tutor could reveal your position if he wished. I was 26thwrangler.
机译:我在学术生活中获得的标签之一(尽管是一个相对较低的标签)是我是一个牧马人,而我对此并不感到骄傲。如果您了解剑桥大学的知识,例如,如果您已阅读G. H. Hardy的AMathematician的道歉[2]或J. E. Littlewood的A Mathematician的杂项[I],您将知道这并不意味着我可以套索一匹马。相反,这意味着我在剑桥三级数学考试-数学三重奏(第二部分)中获得了一流的荣誉。 (在韦伯斯特词典中,您会发现此定义已列在涉及马的定义之前。)直到1910年,哈代终于结束这一习俗时,牧马人才被按功绩顺序公开列出,其中高级牧马人居于榜首,其次是第2牧马人,第3牧马人,等等。Hardy在1898年成为第4牧马人。利特伍德(Littlewood)于1905年与高级牧马人并列。在1966年,虽然没有公布职级,但如果您愿意,您的大学导师可以透露您的职位。我当时是26thwrangler。



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