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Total to develop coal-based PetChem complex in China


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Total and China Power Investment Corp. (CPI; Beijing) have signed an agreement to develop jointly a coal-based petrochemical complex in Inner Mongolia, a coal-rich autonomous region of China. The complex is expected to be onstream after 2015 and cost an estimated european dollar 2 billion-european dollar 3 billion ($2.8 billion-$4.2 billion). CPI is one of China’s largest energy companies producing electricity and coal, as well as aluminum. Its coal-production capacity is more than 50 million m.t./year. The companies plan to launch a feasibility study for the coal-to-chemicals complex, which is expected to have polyolefin capacity of 1 million m.t./year. Total will contribute its methanol-to-olefins (MTO) technology and olefin cracking process (OCP) technology, which the company’s Total Petrochemicals subsidiary has tested extensively at a purpose-built, semi-commercial plant at Feluy, Belgium. Total will also study possible solutions for capturing and storing carbon dioxide using know-how gained from a Total group carbon capture and storage pilot project at Lacq, France. Total Petrochemicals’ MTO technology was co-developed with UOP and Hydro. It allows the production of propylene and ethylene from methanol, which can be obtained from a variety of feedstocks such as natural gas or biomass, as well as coal. The technology, in combination with the OCP process, allows a very high yield of olefins for polyolefin production. The OCP technology was developed by Total and UOP. Total announced earlier this year that it would seek partners in coal- or gas-rich countries for commercial-scale MTO-OCP projects. The proposed investment with CPI “is part of Total’s strategy of transforming fossil or renewable resources into petroleum or petrochemical fractions, in particular by using gasification processes,” says Francois Cornelis, president/chemicals and vice chairman of the executive committee at Total.
机译:道达尔与中国电力投资集团公司(CPI)签署了一项协议,在中国煤炭资源丰富的自治区内蒙古共同开发一座煤基石化综合企业。该综合体预计将于2015年后投入使用,估计耗资20亿欧元至30亿欧元(28亿至42亿美元)。 CPI是中国最大的能源公司之一,生产电力,煤炭和铝。其煤炭生产能力超过5000万吨/年。两家公司计划对煤制化工综合体进行可行性研究,该综合体的聚烯烃产能预计为每年100万吨。道达尔将贡献其甲醇制烯烃(MTO)技术和烯烃裂化工艺(OCP)技术,该公司的Total Petrochemicals子公司已在比利时Feluy的一座专用半商业工厂中对其进行了广泛的测试。道达尔还将利用从法国拉克(Lacq)的道达尔集团碳捕集与封存试验项目中获得的专业知识,研究可能的捕获和封存二氧化碳的解决方案。道达尔石化的MTO技术与UOP和Hydro共同开发。它允许从甲醇生产丙烯和乙烯,甲醇可以从各种原料(如天然气或生物质以及煤)获得。该技术与OCP工艺相结合,可实现聚烯烃高产烯烃。 OCP技术是由Total和UOP开发的。道达尔在今年早些时候宣布,它将为商业规模的MTO-OCP项目寻求在煤炭或天然气丰富国家的合作伙伴。道达尔总裁兼化学品部总裁兼执行委员会副主席弗朗索瓦·科尼利斯(Francois Cornelis)表示,与CPI进行的拟议投资“是道达尔将化石或可再生资源转变为石油或石化馏分的战略的一部分,特别是通过使用气化工艺。”



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