
A fourth hominin skull from Dmanisi, Georgia


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Newly discovered Homo remains, stone artifacts, and animal fossils from Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia, provide a basis for better understanding patterns of hominin evolution and behavior in Eurasia ca. 1.77 million years ago. Here we describe a fourth skull that is nearly complete, lacking all but one of its teeth at the time of death. Both the maxillae and the mandible exhibit extensive bone loss due to resorption. This individual is similar to others from the site but supplies information about variation in brain size and craniofacial anatomy within the Dmanisi paleodeme. Although this assemblage presents numerous primitive characters, the Dmanisi skulls are best accommodated within the species H. erectus. On anatomical grounds, it is argued that the relatively small-brained and lightly built Dmanisi hominins may be ancestral to African and Far Eastern branches of H. erectus showing more derived morphology.
机译:来自佐治亚共和国达马尼西的新近发现的人类遗骸,石器和动物化石,为更好地了解欧亚大陆人均进化和行为模式提供了基础。 177万年前。在这里,我们描述了第四个几乎完整的头骨,在死亡时除了一颗牙齿外几乎没有牙齿。由于吸收,上颌骨和下颌骨均表现出广泛的骨质流失。此人与该站点的其他人相似,但提供了有关Dmanisi古氏二极管内大脑大小和颅面解剖结构变化的信息。尽管这种组合具有许多原始特征,但Dmanisi头骨最好容纳在直立物种H.中。从解剖学角度出发,有人认为,相对较小的大脑和较轻的Dmanisi人源蛋白可能起源于直立非洲支原体的非洲和远东分支,显示出更多的衍生形态。



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