首页> 外文期刊>Biochemistry and Cell Biology >Lactoferrin: An alternative view of its role in human biological fluids

Lactoferrin: An alternative view of its role in human biological fluids


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Lactoferrin is a major component of biologically important mucosal fluids and of the specific granules of neutrophils. Understanding its biological function is essential for understanding neutrophil- and mucosal-mediated immunity. In this review, we reevaluate the in vivo functions of human lactoferrin (hLF) emphasizing in vivo studies and in vitro studies performed in biologically relevant fluids. We discuss the evidence in the literature that supports (or does not support) proposed roles for hLF in mucosal immunity and in neutrophil function. We argue that the current literature supports a microbiostatic role, but not a microbicidal role, for hLF in vivo. The literature also supports a role for hLF in inhibiting colonization and infection of epithelial surfaces by microorganisms and in protecting tissues from neutrophil-mediated damage. Using this information, we briefly discuss hLF in the context of the complex biological fluids in which it is found.



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