首页> 外文期刊>The Australian journal of advanced nursing: a quarterly publication of the Royal Australian Nursing Federation >The psychosocial needs of families during critical illness: comparison of nurses' and family members' perspectives

The psychosocial needs of families during critical illness: comparison of nurses' and family members' perspectives


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Objective To explore the needs of relatives whose family member is unexpectedly admitted to an Intensive Care Unit and compare ranked need statements between family members and nurses. Design This is a descriptive study using the Critical Care Family Needs Inventory (CCFNI) to measure, rank and compare a series of need statements. Setting An Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in regional Victoria, Australia. Subjects A convenience sampling strategy was used to acquire a total of 58 participants; 25 family members of patients unexpectedly admitted to the ICU and 33 nurses. Results Comparative analysis of the data revealed that there were minor differences identified in the rank order of the need statements listed in the CCFNI amongst nurses and family members. A comparison with previous studies also identified minor differences in both the rank order of individual need statements and the five factor analysis categories previously established.Conclusion The CCFNI continues to be a good diagnostic tool in family needs assessment.
机译:目的探讨家属意外被送往重症监护室的亲戚的需求,并比较家属和护士之间的排名需求陈述。设计这是一项描述性研究,使用重症监护家庭需求清单(CCFNI)来衡量,排序和比较一系列需求陈述。在澳大利亚维多利亚州设立重症监护病房(ICU)。受试者便利性抽样策略共获得58位参与者; 25名患者的家庭成员意外入住了ICU和33名护士。结果数据的比较分析表明,在护士和家庭成员中,CCFNI中列出的需求陈述的等级顺序存在细微差异。与以前的研究进行比较,还发现个人需求陈述的排名顺序和先前建立的五个因素分析类别之间的细微差异。结论CCFNI仍然是家庭需求评估中的良好诊断工具。



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