首页> 外文期刊>The American journal of hospice & palliative medicine >Holding on to What You Have Got: Keeping Hospice Palliative Care Volunteers Volunteering

Holding on to What You Have Got: Keeping Hospice Palliative Care Volunteers Volunteering


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In all, 119 hospice palliative care volunteers from 3 community-based hospice programs completed the Volunteer Retention Questionnaire (VRQ), a 33-item survey designed for this study. The VRQ asks volunteers to rate the importance of each item to their decision to continue volunteering. The items that received the highest mean importance ratings included enjoying the work they do, feeling adequately prepared/trained to perform their role, and learning from their patients' experiences/listening to their patients' life stories. Being recognized (eg, pins for years of service or being profiled in the hospice newsletter), receiving phone calls/cards from their volunteer coordinator on special occasions, and being reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses were among the items that received the lowest mean importance ratings. Suggestions for improving volunteer retention are provided.
机译:共有来自3个社区临终关怀计划的119个临终关怀姑息治疗志愿者完成了《志愿者保留问卷》(VRQ),这是一项针对此项研究而设计的33项问卷调查。 VRQ要求志愿者对每个项目的重要性进行评估,以决定他们继续志愿服务的决定。获得最高平均重要性等级的项目包括:享受他们所做的工作,感到自己有足够的准备/经过训练以履行职责,以及从患者的经验中学习/聆听患者的生活故事。被认可(例如,服务多年的大头针或在临终关怀简报中被概述),在特殊情况下从其志愿者协调员那里接听电话/卡,并报销自付费用,这些都是接收费用最低的项目。平均重要性等级。提供了改善志愿者保留的建议。



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