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Shelf-life extension of dried shrimps by irradiation and packaging techniques


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Dried shrimps were air-packaged or N_2-packaged in the flexible pouch of oriented polypropylene (OPP), polyvinylidene chloride coated polypropylene (KOP) and ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer (EVOH). The packages were irradiated with gamma ray from cobalt 60 at 3 and 8 kGy. Non-irradiated dried shrimps were used as a control. The samples were stored at 30 deg C and 70 +- 5 percent RH for 4 months. Non-enzymatic browning induced the discoloration of dried shrimps, and oxidation of astaxanthin proceeded after irradiation and during storage. The hunter color difference, #DELTA#E, of all the samples was increased, especially in the non-irradiated air-packages samples. The decrease in astaxanthin content was found in both air - and N_2-packaged samplesduring storage. The number of microorganisms was reduced by irradiation dose of 3 and 8 kGy from 6.5 to 4.2 and 2.7 log CFU/g, respectively. The decreased concentration of O_2 in the package also reduced the number of microorganisms. The air-packaged dried shrimps in the OPP pouch deteriorated during storage. Shrinkage of the pouches and growth of halophilic bacteria on the surface of dried shrimps were found at a_w of 0.75. The discoloration of dried shrimps in the OPP pouch was more significant than that in other pouches. Irradiation at 3 and 8 kGy in combination with packaging in KOP and EVOH pouches containing N_2 atmosphere was one of the promising methods for prolonging shelf-life of dried shrimps at room temperature.
机译:将干虾空气包装或N_2包装在定向聚丙烯(OPP),聚偏二氯乙烯涂覆的聚丙烯(KOP)和乙烯乙烯醇共聚物(EVOH)的软袋中。用3kGy和8kGy的钴60的γ射线照射包装。未辐照的干虾被用作对照。将样品在30℃和70±5%RH下储存4个月。非酶褐变导致干虾变色,照射后和储存期间虾青素的氧化过程继续进行。所有样品的猎人色差#DELTA#E都增加了,特别是在未辐照的空气包装样品中。在储存过程中,空气包装和N_2包装的样品中虾青素含量均降低。通过3 kGy和8 kGy的辐射剂量,微生物数量分别从6.5 log CFU / g减少到4.2 log CFU / g。包装中O_2浓度的降低也减少了微生物的数量。在存放期间,OPP袋中的空气包装干虾变质。发现小袋的收缩和干虾表面上嗜盐细菌的生长在a_w为0.75时。 OPP袋中干虾的变色比其他袋中的变色更大。以3 kGy和8 kGy的辐射量结合在含N_2气氛的KOP和EVOH袋中包装是延长室温下虾干货架期的有前途的方法之一。



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