首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Isolation and characterization of hantaviruses in Far East Russia and etiology of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the region

Isolation and characterization of hantaviruses in Far East Russia and etiology of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the region


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Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is a serious public health issue in Far East Russia. Two different hantaviruses were isolated from rodents captured in the Khabarovsk region: Amur virus (AMRV; Khekhtsir/ AP209/2005 strain from Apodemus peninsulae) and Hantaan virus (HTNV; Galkino/AA57/2002 strain from A. agrarius). Genetic analysis of the new isolates revealed that the M and L segments were apparently different between AMRV and HTNV, but S segments of the two viruses were closer. The antigenicities of AMRV, HTNV, and Seoul virus (SEOV) were differentiated by cross-neutralization. Serological differential diagnoses of 67 HFRS patients in the Prymorsky and Khabarovsk regions of Far East Russia were conducted using a neutralization test. The results revealed that the major cause of HFRS varied with location in Far East Russia: SEOV for Vladivostok city in the Prymorsky region, AMRV in rural areas of the Primorsky region, and probably HTNV for the Khabarovsk region.
机译:肾综合征出血热(HFRS)在俄罗斯远东地区是一个严重的公共卫生问题。从在哈巴罗夫斯克地区捕获的啮齿动物中分离出两种不同的汉坦病毒:阿穆尔病毒(AMRV;来自姬鼠属的Khekhtsir / AP209 / 2005株)和汉坦病毒(HTNV;来自黑线拟杆菌的Galkino / AA57 / 2002株)。新分离株的遗传分析表明,AMRV和HTNV之间的M和L片段明显不同,但两种病毒的S片段更接近。 AMRV,HTNV和汉城病毒(SEOV)的抗原性通过交叉中和来区分。使用中和试验对俄罗斯远东地区Prymorsky和Khabarovsk地区的67名HFRS患者进行了血清学鉴别诊断。结果表明,HFRS的主要原因随俄罗斯远东地区的不同而不同:普雷莫尔斯基地区符拉迪沃斯托克市的SEOV,滨海边疆区农村地区的AMRV,哈巴罗夫斯克地区的HTNV。



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