首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of the Medical Sciences >First detection of human infection with Rickettsia felis in Israel.

First detection of human infection with Rickettsia felis in Israel.


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we previously reported in this Journal a case of a 28-year-V V old patient with murine typhus and associated splenic infarction.The diagnosis at the time was based on serocon-version. However, the patient could not recall any exposure to rodents (she was living in a new apartment block and has not recalled ever seeing rats or mice near her home), but she did recall walking barefoot on grass a week before her presentation near some stray kittens. This led us to suspect that she might have been exposed to the cats' fleas and was in fact infected with Rickettsia felis, which sometimes may result in a false-positive serology for murine typhus. At the time, we were not able to differentiate serologically between R felis and R typhi.
机译:我们之前在本杂志上报道过一例28岁V V的鼠型斑疹伤寒并伴有脾梗塞的患者。当时的诊断是基于血清转换。但是,患者无法回忆起曾接触过啮齿动物(她住在一个新公寓楼里,也没有回忆起曾经在家附近见过老鼠),但她确实记得在出现流浪病前一周赤脚行走在草地上小猫。这使我们怀疑她可能已经暴露在猫的跳蚤中,并且实际上感染了立克次氏猫,有时可能导致鼠伤寒的血清学呈假阳性。当时,我们无法在血清学上区分R felis和R typhi。



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