首页> 外文期刊>The American journal of orthopedics >Surface Roughness of Femoral Head Prostheses After Dislocation

Surface Roughness of Femoral Head Prostheses After Dislocation


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The effects of damaged femoral heads on long-term wear in total hip arthroplasties are not well known. In the study reported here, we compared the surface roughness of dislocated femoral heads, retrieved at time of revision, with that of heads revised for reasons other than dislocation. The dislocated heads, including 6 cobalt-chrome (Co-Cr), 2 oxidized zirconium, and 2 alumina (ceramic) heads, were compared with nondis-located Co-Cr and ceramic heads. Scratch marks on the dislocated Co-Cr and alumina heads were considerably smaller and shallow than those on the dislocated oxidized zirconium heads. Mean surface roughness of the dislocated heads was 368 nm (Co-Cr), 376 nm (alumina), and 2137 nm (oxidized zirconium). On the contrary, the mean surface roughness for nondislo-cated Co-Cr and alumina heads was 307.44 nm (outlier excluded) and 138.8 nm, respectively. Our data suggest that increased surface damage and roughness can occur after dislocation.
机译:股骨头受损对全髋关节置换术中长期佩戴的影响尚不清楚。在这里报道的研究中,我们比较了在翻修时取回的脱位股骨头的表面粗糙度与由于脱位以外的原因而翻修过的股骨头的表面粗糙度。将错位的磁头(包括6个钴铬(Co-Cr),2个氧化的锆和2个氧化铝(陶瓷)磁头)与未错位的Co-Cr和陶瓷磁头进行了比较。脱位的Co-Cr和氧化铝头上的划痕明显小于脱位的氧化锆头上的划痕。错位的磁头的平均表面粗糙度为368 nm(Co-Cr),376 nm(氧化铝)和2137 nm(氧化锆)。相反,未分散的Co-Cr头和氧化铝头的平均表面粗糙度分别为307.44 nm(排除在外)和138.8 nm。我们的数据表明,脱位后会发生表面损伤和粗糙度增加。



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