首页> 外文期刊>The American journal of orthopedics >Reconstruction of a chronic distal biceps tendon rupture 4 years after initial injury.

Reconstruction of a chronic distal biceps tendon rupture 4 years after initial injury.


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Rupture of the distal biceps insertion can produce, on average, a 40% loss of supination strength, a 47% loss of supination endurance, and a 21% to 30% loss of flexion strength at the elbow. In acute biceps tendon ruptures in which a patient will not tolerate resulting functional deficits, anatomical reinsertion of the biceps tendon into the radial tuberosity is usually recommended. The various surgical techniques that have been described for anatomical repair of distal biceps rupture include passage of the tendon stump through a transosseous tunnel and use of suture anchors, interference screws, and EndoButtons (Smith & Nephew, Andover, Mass). Reported results for these techniques have mostly been excellent with respect to restoration of functionality. Chronic cases, however, may involve retraction of the native tendon and extensive scar formation, which preclude anatomical repair. In these situations, one of several described reconstructive techniques, including use of semitendinosus autograft and Achilles tendon allograft, may be needed to reestablish acceptable function. Delayed (< or = 18 months) reconstruction of chronic ruptures, using allograft soft-tissue constructs, has been described in the literature. We present the case of a chronic distal biceps rupture reconstructed 4 years after initial injury using a single-incision technique with free semitendinosus autograft and EndoButton fixation.
机译:肱二头肌远端插入的断裂平均可导致40%的仰卧肌力量丧失,47%的仰卧肌耐力丧失以及21%至30%的肘部屈肌力量丧失。在急性二头肌腱断裂中,患者将无法忍受由此产生的功能缺陷,通常建议将二头肌腱解剖重新插入into骨结节。已经描述了用于解剖学上修复二头肌远端破裂的各种外科手术技术,包括使肌腱残端穿过骨穿隧,以及使用缝合锚钉,干涉螺钉和EndoButtons(Smith&Nephew,Andover,Mass)。这些技术的报告结果在恢复功能方面非常出色。但是,慢性病例可能牵涉到天然肌腱的回缩和广泛的疤痕形成,从而无法进行解剖修复。在这些情况下,可能需要几种描述的重建技术之一,包括使用半腱肌自体移植和跟腱移植,以重建可接受的功能。在文献中已经描述了使用同种异体移植软组织构建物延迟(<或= 18个月)重建慢性破裂的方法。我们介绍了使用单切口技术与游离半腱肌自体移植术和EndoButton固定术在初次受伤后4年重建的慢性二头肌远端骨折的病例。



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