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Tsunami Source of the 2010 Mentawai, Indonesia Earthquake Inferred from Tsunami Field Survey and Waveform Modeling


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The 2010 Mentawai earthquake (magnitude 7.7) generated a destructive tsunami that caused more than 500 casualties in the Mentawai Islands, west of Sumatra, Indonesia. Seismological analyses indicate that this earthquake was an unusual "tsunami earthquake," which produces much larger tsunamis than expected from the seismic magnitude. We carried out a field survey to measure tsunami heights and inundation distances, an inversion of tsunami waveforms to estimate the slip distribution on the fault, and inundation modeling to compare the measured and simulated tsunami heights. The measured tsunami heights at eight locations on the west coasts of North and South Pagai Island ranged from 2.5 to 9.3 m, but were mostly in the 4-7 m range. At three villages, the tsunami inundation extended more than 300 m. Interviews of local residents indicated that the earthquake ground shaking was less intense than during previous large earthquakes and did not cause any damage. Inversion of tsunami waveforms recorded at nine coastal tide gauges, a nearby GPS buoy, and a DART station indicated a large slip (maximum 6.1 m) on a shallower part of the fault near the trench axis, a distribution similar to other tsunami earthquakes. The total seismic moment estimated from tsunami waveform inversion was 1.0 × 10~(21) Nm, which corresponded to M_w 7.9. Computed coastal tsunami heights from this tsunami source model using linear equations are similar to the measured tsunami heights. The inundation heights computed by using detailed bathymetry and topography data and nonlinear equations including inundation were smaller than the measured ones. This may have been partly due to the limited resolution and accuracy of publically available bathymetry and topography data. One-dimensional run-up computations using our surveyed topography profiles showed that the computed heights were roughly similar to the measured ones.
机译:2010年的Mentawai地震(7.7级地震)造成了破坏性的海啸,在印度尼西亚苏门答腊以西的Mentawai群岛造成500多人伤亡。地震分析表明,该地震是不寻常的“海啸地震”,产生的海啸比根据地震震级预计的要大得多。我们进行了实地调查以测量海啸高度和淹没距离,对海啸波形进行反演以估计断层上的滑动分布,并进行了淹没建模以比较实测和模拟的海啸高度。在北部和南部Pagai岛西海岸的八个位置处测得的海啸高度范围为2.5至9.3 m,但大多在4-7 m范围内。在三个村庄,海啸淹没延伸了300 m以上。当地居民的采访表明,与以前的大地震相比,地震的地面震动不那么剧烈,也没有造成任何破坏。在9个沿海潮汐仪,附近的GPS浮标和DART站处记录的海啸波形反演表明,在海沟轴线附近的断层较浅部分,滑移较大(最大6.1 m),其分布与其他海啸地震相似。根据海啸波形反演估算的总地震矩为1.0×10〜(21)Nm,相当于M_w 7.9。使用线性方程式从该海啸源模型计算出的沿海海啸高度与测得的海啸高度相似。通过使用详细的测深和地形数据以及包括淹没在内的非线性方程计算的淹没高度比实测值要小。这可能部分是由于公开的测深和地形数据的分辨率和准确性有限。使用我们调查的地形图进行一维加速计算表明,计算出的高度与测得的高度大致相似。



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