首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Soil Science >Life cycle assessment of corn stover production for cellulosic ethanol in Quebec.

Life cycle assessment of corn stover production for cellulosic ethanol in Quebec.


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The province of Quebec has a target of 5% ethanol (EtOH) content in fuel by 2012, which means the province will require about 400 million L of ethanol per year based on current consumption. Current research is focused on "second generation biofuels" such as cellulosic EtOH, which can be produced from agricultural by-products like corn stover. A life cycle assessment (LCA) evaluates the "cradle to gate" impact of corn stover feedstock production for cellulosic EtOH production in three corn-producing regions in Quebec for two impact categories: energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts. The modelled system boundaries include in-field processes: corn stover production, collection, transport, soil organic carbon (SOC) loss, and N2O emissions, as well as background processes: herbicide, fertilizer, seed, and fuel production and transport. Sensitivity analyses vary the percentage of corn stover collected, contrast a multiple-pass with a one-pass stover-grain collection system, and compare mass, economic and system expansion allocation methods. Total energy impact is 931-1442 MJ t-1 dry stover collected under 15% stover collection, with stover harvest, transport, and field operationscontributing most strongly to the total impact. Total GHG emissions from corn stover production and transport of stover to the ethanol facility are320-488 kg CO2e t-1 dry stover under 15% stover collection, with SOC loss, N2O emissions, and stover harvest contributing the most to the total impact. Sensitivity analysis reveals that the energy and GHG impacts of stover production are strongly influenced by the mass of stover collected, the use of a one-pass system, and the choice of allocation methods. Scaling-up results from the modelled system suggest that 100% of Quebec's EtOH targets could technically be supplied using corn stover feedstock, but this may come at the expense of GHG emissions and soil health.
机译:魁北克省的目标是到2012年燃料中乙醇(EtOH)的含量为5%,这意味着该省每年将需要消耗约4亿升乙醇(基于当前的消费量)。当前的研究集中在“第二代生物燃料”,例如纤维素EtOH,它可以由玉米秸秆等农业副产品生产。生命周期评估(LCA)针对魁北克省三个玉米产区的纤维素EtOH生产,评估了玉米秸秆原料生产的“从摇篮到大门”的影响,涉及两种影响类别:能源和温室气体(GHG)影响。建模的系统边界包括田间过程:玉米秸秆生产,收集,运输,土壤有机碳(SOC)损失和N 2 O排放,以及背景过程:除草剂,肥料,种子,以及燃料生产和运输。敏感性分析会改变所收集的玉米秸秆的百分比,将多次通过与一次通过秸秆-谷物收集系统进行对比,并比较质量,经济和系统扩展分配方法。在15%的秸秆收集量下,收集到的总能量影响为931-1442 MJ t -1 干秸秆,秸秆收获,运输和田间作业对总影响的贡献最大。玉米秸秆生产和秸秆运输到乙醇设施中的温室气体排放总量为320-488 kg CO 2 et -1 干秸秆,秸秆收集率为15%,SOC损失, N 2 O排放量和秸秆收成对总影响的贡献最大。敏感性分析显示,秸秆生产对能源和温室气体的影响受收集的秸秆质量,单次通过系统的使用以及分配方法的选择的强烈影响。模型系统的放大结果表明,可以使用玉米秸秆原料从技术上提供魁北克100%的EtOH目标,但这可能会以温室气体排放和土壤健康为代价。



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