首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Soil Science >Nongrowing season soil surface nitrate and phosphate dynamics in a corn-soybean rotation in eastern Canada: in situ evaluation using anionic exchange membranes

Nongrowing season soil surface nitrate and phosphate dynamics in a corn-soybean rotation in eastern Canada: in situ evaluation using anionic exchange membranes


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Determining how agricultural management practices affect changes in soil nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) could further our understanding of soil N and P cycle. The main objective of this study was to assess in situ non-growing season soil nitrate and phosphate dynamics as adsorbed on anionic exchange membranes (AEM-N and AEM-P, respectively). The membranes were buried in the surface horizon (5 cm below the soil surface) over the nongrowing season (mid-November to mid-April) in five consecutive years (2009-2010 to 2013-2014) in a long-term corn-soybean rotation experiment established in 1992 in eastern Canada. The treatments consisted of two tillage systems, namely moldboard plow (MP) and no-till (NT), and nine combinations of fertilizer applications, namely three N rates (0, 80, and 160 kg N ha(-1)) and three P rates (0, 17.5, and 35 kg P ha(-1)) in a split-plot design with four replications. The results showed that AEM-N and AEM-P averaged 1.8 mu g cm(-2) d(-1) and 7.4 ng cm(-2) d(-1) under MP, respectively, and 2.8 mu g cm(-2) d(-1) and 67.8 ng cm(-2) d(-1) under NT, respectively. Nitrogen application increased AEM-N in 2010-2011, 2011-2012, and 2012-2013, but decreased AEM-P mainly under NT. Phosphorus fertilization had no effect on AEM-N, but increased AEM-P under both MP and NT. We conclude that AEM can be used as a technique to study N and P dynamics under cold winters of eastern Canada.
机译:确定农业管理实践如何影响土壤氮(N)和磷(P)的变化可能会进一步加深我们对土壤氮和磷循环的理解。这项研究的主要目的是评估原位非生长期土壤中硝态氮和磷酸盐的动态吸附在阴离子交换膜上(分别为AEM-N和AEM-P)。在长期玉米-大豆连续五年(2009-2010年至2013-2014年)的非生长季节(11月中旬至4月中旬),膜被埋在地表水平线(土壤表面以下5 cm)中。旋转实验于1992年在加拿大东部建立。处理包括两个耕作系统,即mold草犁(MP)和免耕(NT),以及九种肥料组合,即三个氮肥用量(0、80和160 kg N ha(-1))和三个在四次重复的分块地块设计中,P率(0、17.5和35 kg P ha(-1))。结果表明,MP下AEM-N和AEM-P平均分别为1.8μg cm(-2)d(-1)和7.4 ng cm(-2)d(-1),而2.8μg cm(-2)d(-1)和2.8μg cm(- 2)在NT下分别为d(-1)和67.8 ng cm(-2)d(-1)。施氮量在2010-2011年,2011-2012年和2012-2013年增加了AEM-N,但主要在NT下减少了AEM-P。磷肥对AEM-N无影响,但在MP和NT下均增加了AEM-P。我们得出的结论是,AEM可以用作研究加拿大东部寒冷冬季下氮磷动态的技术。



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