首页> 外文期刊>Psychoneuroendocrinology: An International Journal >Salivary testosterone and a trinucleotide (CAG) length polymorphism in the androgen receptor gene predict amygdala reactivity in men.

Salivary testosterone and a trinucleotide (CAG) length polymorphism in the androgen receptor gene predict amygdala reactivity in men.


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In studies employing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), reactivity of the amygdala to threat-related sensory cues (viz., facial displays of negative emotion) has been found to correlate positively with interindividual variability in testosterone levels of women and young men and to increase on acute administration of exogenous testosterone. Many of the biological actions of testosterone are mediated by intracellular androgen receptors (ARs), which exert transcriptional control of androgen-dependent genes and are expressed in various regions of the brain, including the amygdala. Transactivation potential of the AR decreases (yielding relative androgen insensitivity) with expansion a polyglutamine stretch in the N-terminal domain of the AR protein, as encoded by a trinucleotide (CAG) repeat polymorphism in exon 1 of the X-chromosome AR gene. Here we examined whether amygdala reactivity to threat-related facial expressions (fear, anger) differs as a function of AR CAG length variation and endogenous (salivary) testosterone in a mid-life sample of 41 healthy men (mean age=45.6 years, range: 34-54 years; CAG repeats, range: 19-29). Testosterone correlated inversely with participant age (r=-0.39, p=0.012) and positively with number of CAG repeats (r=0.45, p=0.003). In partial correlations adjusted for testosterone level, reactivity in the ventral amygdala was lowest among men with largest number of CAG repeats. This inverse association was seen in both the right (r(p)=-0.34, p<0.05) and left (r(p)=-0.32, p<0.05) hemisphere. Activation of dorsal amygdala, correlated positively with individual differences in salivary testosterone, also in right (r=0.40, p<0.02) and left (r=0.32, p<0.05) hemisphere, but was not affected by number of CAG repeats. Hence, androgenic influences on threat-related reactivity in the ventral amygdala may be moderated partially by CAG length variation in the AR gene. Because individual differences in salivary testosterone also predicted dorsal amygdala reactivity and did so independently of CAG repeats, it is suggested that androgenic influences within this anatomically distinct region may be mediated, in part, by non-genomic or AR-independent mechanisms.
机译:在采用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)的研究中,发现杏仁核对与威胁相关的感觉线索(即面部表情为负面情绪)的反应与男女睾丸激素水平的个体差异呈正相关。急性给予外源性睾丸激素增加。睾丸激素的许多生物学作用是由细胞内雄激素受体(ARs)介导的,ARs发挥对雄激素依赖性基因的转录控制作用,并在大脑的各个区域(包括杏仁核)表达。随着X染色体AR基因外显子1中三核苷酸(CAG)重复多态性的编码,AR蛋白N端结构域中的聚谷氨酰胺伸展,AR的反式激活潜能降低(产生相对雄激素不敏感性)。在这里,我们检查了41位健康男性(平均年龄= 45.6岁,年龄范围为中年)的中年样本中,杏仁核对与威胁相关的面部表情(恐惧,愤怒)的反应性是否因AR CAG长度变化和内源性(唾液)睾丸激素而异。 :34-54岁; CAG重覆,范围:19-29)。睾丸激素与受试者年龄成反比(r = -0.39,p = 0.012),与CAG重复次数呈正相关(r = 0.45,p = 0.003)。在校正睾丸激素水平的部分相关性中,在CAG重复次数最多的男性中,腹杏仁核的反应性最低。在右半球(r(p)=-0.34,p <0.05)和左半球(r(p)=-0.32,p <0.05)中都可以看到这种反向关联。背部杏仁核的激活与唾液睾丸激素的个体差异呈正相关,在右侧(r = 0.40,p <0.02)和左侧(r = 0.32,p <0.05)半球也一样,但不受CAG重复次数的影响。因此,可以通过AR基因中CAG长度的变化部分缓解雄性激素对腹侧杏仁核威胁相关反应性的影响。由于唾液睾丸激素的个体差异也可预测背杏仁核反应性,并且独立于CAG重复,因此建议该解剖学上不同区域内的雄激素影响可能部分地由非基因组或AR独立机制介导。



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