首页> 外文期刊>Psychoneuroendocrinology: An International Journal >Effects of chronic mild stress (CMS) on thyroid hormone function in two rat strains.

Effects of chronic mild stress (CMS) on thyroid hormone function in two rat strains.


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This work was carried out to assess the effects of chronic mild stress (CMS) on thyroid function. The CMS model produced an anhedonic effect (reduced preference to sucrose) in Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats and this effect was reversed by imipramine (IMI) treatment. The effects of CMS on thyroid function were assessed by measuring tT4 (total Thyroxine), tT3 (total Triiodothyronine), TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) and fT4 (free Thyroxine) serum levels with appropriate immunoassays. CMS increased tT4 and tT3 serum levels in Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats, but not TSH and fT4 serum levels. Imipramine (IMI) treatment normalized tT4 values. Albumin which binds a fraction of peripheral tT4 and tT3 was also significantly increased in response to CMS, possibly contributing to tT4 and tT3 elevations. The above findings suggest an impact of CMS on thyroid function, especially in tT4 values the changes being reversed with IMI treatment.
机译:进行这项工作以评估慢性轻度应激(CMS)对甲状腺功能的影响。 CMS模型在Sprague-Dawley和Wistar大鼠中产生了anhedonic效应(降低了对蔗糖的偏爱),而这种作用可通过丙咪嗪(IMI)逆转。通过使用适当的免疫测定法测量tT4(总甲状腺素),tT3(总三碘甲状腺素),TSH(甲状腺刺激激素)和fT4(游离甲状腺素)血清水平来评估CMS对甲状腺功能的影响。 CMS可增加Sprague-Dawley和Wistar大鼠的tT4和tT3血清水平,但不增加TSH和fT4血清水平。丙咪嗪(IMI)治疗可将tT4值标准化。结合一部分外周血tT4和tT3的白蛋白也显着增加了对CMS的反应,可能导致tT4和tT3升高。上述发现提示CMS对甲状腺功能的影响,特别是在tT4值方面,IMI治疗可逆转这种变化。



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