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Physical Basis and Limitations of Equalization Rules and Principles: Valence-State Electronegativity and Valence-Pair-Affinity versus Operational Chemical Potential


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The postulated identity of the operational chemical potential, μ, with the negative of the ground-state electronegativity, μ = -χ_(GS), is a cornerstone of conceptual DFT (cDFT). However, a trend has developed to overestimate the applicability and accuracy of the corresponding equalization principles. The operational molecular μ_(mol) in general does not result from equalizing atomic μ_(at) values. Frequent violations of the strict Wigner-Witmer symmetry rules by cDFT cause μ_(mol) ≠ μ_(at) in homonuclear diatoms. Consequently the previous general proofs of the chemical potential equalization (CPE) principle and its equivalence to the electronegativity equalization (ENE) principle seem inadequate. Such fundamental limitations of cDFT need to be addressed, and solutions proposed also in connection with violations of the variational principle due to electron-self-interaction errors. Mulliken's valence-state definition of electronegativity, χ_(VS), intrinsically fulfils the Wigner-Witmer rules, and ENE by χ_(VS) is surprisingly accurate for homonuclear diatoms. For polar bonds a charge dependent generalization of Mulliken's χ_(VS) is introduced as "Valence-Pair-Affinity," VPA. It is consistently derived from Ruedenberg's theory of the chemical bond and does neither violate the variational principle nor the Wigner-Witmer rules. VPA is locally equilibrated in 2-center electron-pair bonds, but not in the whole molecule. The partial atomic charges obtained by VPA equilibration are consistent and agree well with those obtained by Natural Bond Orbital population analysis and the ones found in Klopman's "equipotential orbitals."
机译:假定的操作化学势μ与基态电负性的负μ=-χ_(GS)相同,是概念DFT(cDFT)的基础。但是,已经出现了一种趋势,即高估了相应均衡原理的适用性和准确性。通常,操作分子μ_(mol)并非由均衡原子μ_(at)值得出。 cDFT频繁违反严格的Wigner-Witmer对称规则,导致同核硅藻中的μ_(mol)≠μ_(at)。因此,先前关于化学势均等(CPE)原理及其与电负性均等(ENE)原理等效的一般证明似乎不足。需要解决cDFT的这种基本局限性,并且还提出了与由于电子自相互作用错误而导致的违反变分原理的解决方案。 Mulliken的电负性价态定义χ_(VS)本质上满足Wigner-Witmer规则,而χ_(VS)生成的ENE对于同核硅藻则出奇地准确。对于极性键,Mulliken的χ_(VS)的电荷依赖泛化被称为“价-对-亲和力” VPA。它始终源自Ruedenberg的化学键理论,既不违反变分原理,也不违反Wigner-Witmer规则。 VPA在2个中心的电子对键中局部平衡,但在整个分子中不平衡。通过VPA平衡获得的部分原子电荷与通过自然键轨道总体分析获得的原子电荷和在克洛普曼的“等势轨道”中发现的原子电荷一致,并且非常吻合。



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