首页> 外文期刊>Quaternaire >The Palaeolithic site of Pont-de-Planches (Haute-Sa?ne, France): Palaeoenvironnement datas and datations of Middle Palaeolithic and Upper Palaeolithic Occupations [Le gisement paléolithique de Pont-de-Planches (Haute-Sa?ne, France): Cadre paléoenvironnemental et datations des occupations du Paléolithique moyen et Paléolithique supérieur]

The Palaeolithic site of Pont-de-Planches (Haute-Sa?ne, France): Palaeoenvironnement datas and datations of Middle Palaeolithic and Upper Palaeolithic Occupations [Le gisement paléolithique de Pont-de-Planches (Haute-Sa?ne, France): Cadre paléoenvironnemental et datations des occupations du Paléolithique moyen et Paléolithique supérieur]


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Twice the open-air site of Pont-de-Planches has been occupied by men from palaeolithic: the oldest occupation is around 50 ka (marine isotopic stage MIS 3) and is characterized by a bifacial tools industry called micoquian while the most recent one is a gravettian occupation. From many aspects, this open air-site looks exceptional for that region. It gives us a stratigraphy sequence which goes from the middle Pleistocene to Holocene, and compares with Ajoie region in Switherland, 100 km distant from the site. It gives us the first bison discovered in open-air site. This report from the principal specialists present the initial synthesis of the site, the dating of sediments by thermoluminescence, paleontological data on the teeth and cranian of a Bison prisais associated to gravettian occupation, and general descriptions of the typology and technological aspects of the two industries separated by 35000 years. The composition of the micoquian industry shows many common lithic features shared with South Germany or Danubia regions. All this, helps us to follow the incursions of Neanderthal and modern humans during the stage 3 and 2 along a pan-European east-west axis.
机译:蓬德普朗奇斯露天场所有两次被旧石器时代的人占领:最古老的占领区是大约50 ka(海洋同位素阶段MIS 3),其特征是一种叫做micoquian的双面工具行业,而最近的一个是坟墓职业。从许多方面来看,这个露天场所在该地区看起来都是非凡的。它提供了从中更新世到全新世的地层层序,并与距该地点100公里的Switherland的Ajoie地区进行了比较。它为我们提供了在露天场所发现的第一只野牛。首席专家的这份报告介绍了该场所的初始综合,热致发光的沉积物年代,与砾石占领有关的北美野牛的牙齿和颅骨的古生物学数据,以及这两个行业的类型和技术方面的一般描述相隔35000年。 micoquian行业的组成表现出许多与德国南部或多瑙河地区共享的常见石器时代特征。所有这些,有助于我们沿着泛欧洲东西轴方向跟踪尼安德特人和现代人类在第三和第二阶段的入侵。



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