首页> 外文期刊>Psycho-Oncology: Journal of the Psychological Social and Behavioral Dimensions of Cancer >The benefits of being self-determined in promoting physical activity and affective well-being among women recently treated for breast cancer

The benefits of being self-determined in promoting physical activity and affective well-being among women recently treated for breast cancer


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Purpose In this study, changes in motivational regulations in women following treatment for breast cancer were described. Changes in motivational regulations as predictors of subsequent change in light and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (PA) and affect were also examined. Methods Women [n = 150; Mage = 54.41 (SD = 10.87) years] completed self-report questionnaires and wore an accelerometer for 7 days at Time 1 [M = 3.94 (SD = 3.08) months following primary treatment], as well as 3 (Time 2) and 6 (Time 3) months later. Data were analyzed using repeated-measures analysis of variance and path analysis using residual change scores. Results Identified regulation and self-determined motivation (i.e., combined intrinsic motivation and identified regulation) scores decreased over time (p 0.05). In the path model [χ2(4) = 5.66, p = 0.22, root mean square error of approximation = 0.05 (90% CI: 0.0; 0.15), comparative fit index = 0.99, standardized root mean square of the residuals = 0.03], ΔTime1-2 in external regulation was associated with ΔTime2-3 in positive affect (β = -0.16), ΔTime1-2 in introjected (β = 0.25) and amotivation (β = 0.19) were related to ΔTime2-3 in negative affect, and ΔTime1-2 in self-determined motivation was related to ΔTime2-3 in positive affect (β = 0.40) and moderate-to-vigorous PA (β = 0.21). Conclusions Changes in motivational regulations were related to changes in PA and affect in the aftermath of breast cancer. Given the benefits of self-determined motivation, additional research is needed to develop and test interventions aimed at enhancing this type of motivation.
机译:目的在本研究中,描述了乳腺癌治疗后女性动机调节的变化。动机规则的变化作为轻度,中度至剧烈运动量(PA)和影响随后变化的预测因素也进行了检查。方法妇女[n = 150;法师= 54.41(SD = 10.87)年]完成了自我报告调查问卷,并在时间1 [初次治疗后M = 3.94(SD = 3.08)个月]佩戴了7天加速度计,以及3(时间2)和6 (时间3)个月后。使用方差的重复测量分析和使用残差变化得分的路径分析来分析数据。结果识别的调节和自我决定的动机(即内在动机与确定的调节相结合)得分随时间下降(p <0.05)。在路径模型中[χ2(4)= 5.66,p = 0.22,近似均方根误差= 0.05(90%CI:0.0; 0.15),比较拟合指数= 0.99,残差的标准化均方根= 0.03] ,外部调节的ΔTime1-2与积极的ΔTime2-3(β= -0.16)相关,注入的ΔTime1-2(β= 0.25)和动力(β= 0.19)与消极的ΔTime2-3相关,自我决定动机中的ΔTime1-2与积极情绪中的ΔTime2-3(β= 0.40)和中度至剧烈PA(β= 0.21)相关。结论动机调节的改变与PA的改变有关,并影响乳腺癌的后果。考虑到自我决定的动机的好处,需要进行更多的研究来开发和测试旨在增强这种动机的干预措施。



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