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Peabody shareholders meeting: Boyce highlights clean energy vision; directors re-elected


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Peabody Energy President and CEO Gregory H. Boyce highlighted a vision for clean energy solutions during the company's annual meeting May 1 in St. Louis, modifying the classic "E = mc2" equation as "energy equals more clean coal." Boyce discussed Peabody's results and strategies for value creation against a backdrop of greater global use of coal for energy security, economic growth and environmental improvement. At a time when the world's energy needs will increase 70 percent in 25 years and other fuels face significant constraints, Boyce said greater use of coal for clean electricity, natural gas and transportation fuels can solve oil and natural gas challenges. He added that greater use of coal must be driven "by the ultimate vision of near-zero emissions and carbon capture and sequestration." "Technology is the key to the twin challenges of energy independence and carbon concerns," Boyce said. "We must accelerate commercial deployment of technologies that will maintain a secure, affordable energy supply to satisfy our growing energy needs and achieve the important sustainable goal of an improved environment."
机译:皮博迪能源公司总裁兼首席执行官Gregory H. Boyce在5月1日于圣路易斯举行的公司年度会议上强调了清洁能源解决方案的愿景,将经典的“ E = mc2”等式修改为“能源等于更多的清洁煤”。博伊斯在全球越来越多地将煤炭用于能源安全,经济增长和环境改善的背景下,讨论了皮博迪公司的成果和价值创造战略。博伊斯说,在全球能源需求在25年内将增长70%,而其他燃料面临严重限制的时候,博伊斯说,更多地将煤炭用于清洁电力,天然气和运输燃料可以解决石油和天然气的挑战。他补充说,必须通过“近乎零排放以及碳捕获和封存的最终愿景来推动煤炭的更多使用。”博伊斯说:“技术是解决能源独立和碳排放双重挑战的关键。” “我们必须加快商业化技术的部署,以维持安全,负担得起的能源供应,以满足我们不断增长的能源需求,并实现改善环境的重要可持续目标。”



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