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Dysfunctional decision-making in pathological gambling: pattern specificity and the role of impulsivity.


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Dysfunctional decision-making in individuals with pathological gambling (PGs) may result from dominating reward-driven processes, indicated by higher impulsivity. In the current study we examined (1) if PGs show specific decision-making impairments related to dominating reward-driven processes rather than to strategic planning deficits and (2) whether these impairments are related to impulsivity. Nineteen PGs according to DSM-IV and 19 matched control subjects undertook the Cambridge Gambling Task (CGT) to assess decision-making. The delay discounting paradigm (DDP) as well as the UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale (measuring urgency, premeditation, perseverance and sensation seeking) were administered as multidimensional measures of impulsivity. Results revealed that (1) PGs exhibited higher risk seeking and an immediate reward focus in the CGT and, in contrast, comparable strategic planning to the control group. (2) Decision-making impairments were related to more severe delay discounting and, specifically, to increased urgency and less premeditation. Our findings suggest (1) the necessity to disentangle decision-making components in order to improve etiological models of PGs, and (2) that urgency and premeditation are specifically related to disadvantageous decision-making and should be tackled in intervention strategies focusing on emotion tolerance and control strategies.
机译:患有病理性赌博(PG)的人的决策失调可能是由较高的冲动性所主导的奖励驱动过程所致。在本研究中,我们研究了(1)PG是否显示与主导报酬驱动的过程相关的特定决策障碍,而不是与战略规划缺陷相关;以及(2)这些障碍是否与冲动性相关。根据DSM-IV的19个PG和19个匹配的对照受试者参加了剑桥赌博任务(CGT)来评估决策。延迟贴现范式(DDP)和UPPS冲动行为量表(测量紧迫性,冥想,毅力和寻求感觉)被作为冲动的多维量度。结果显示:(1)PG在CGT中表现出更高的寻求风险和立即获得奖励的重点,而与对照组相比,其战略规划却相当。 (2)决策障碍与更严重的延误折扣有关,特别是与紧迫性增加和较少的冥想有关。我们的发现表明:(1)为了改善PG的病因模型,有必要分解决策成分,(2)紧迫性和冥想与不利的决策特别相关,应在针对情绪耐受性的干预策略中解决和控制策略。



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