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Drug Treatment of Addictive Diseases


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An estimated 22.5 million individuals in the United States were diagnosed with substance abuse or dependence in 2009, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Of this number, an estimated 15.4 million were depen-dent on or abused alcohol alone, 3.9 million were dependent on or abused illicit drugs alone, and 3.2 million were dependent on or abused both alcohol and illicit drugs. The illicit drugs with the highest rate of abuse in 2009 were marijuana, pain relievers, and cocaine, at 4.3, 1.9, and 1.1 million, respectively. An increase was seen in pain relieved abuse or dependence from 1.5 million in 2002, with marijuana remaining constant and cocaine decreasing from 1.5 million.1The estimated annual total cost in the U.S. related to substance abuse exceeds $600 billion. This includes productivity, health care, and crime-related costs associated with illicit drugs ($181 billion), tobacco ($193 billion), and alcohol ($235 billion). These estimates do not include the effects on individuals and families related to family dysfunction, employment loss, education, domestic violence, or child abuse. Currently, there are only five drugs approved for the treatment of alcohol and opiate dependence.
机译:根据美国药物滥用和心理健康服务管理局(SAMHSA)的估计,2009年美国约有2250万人被诊断出患有药物滥用或依赖。在这一数字中,估计有1540万人依赖或滥用酒精,仅390万人依赖或滥用非法药物,有320万人依赖或滥用酒精和非法药物。 2009年滥用率最高的非法药物是大麻,止痛药和可卡因,分别为4.3、1.9和110万。缓解疼痛的滥用或依赖性从2002年的150万增加了,大麻保持不变,可卡因从150万减少了。1在美国,与药物滥用相关的年度总成本估计超过6,000亿美元。其中包括与非法药物(1,810亿美元),烟草(1,930亿美元)和酒精(2,350亿美元)相关的生产力,医疗保健和与犯罪相关的费用。这些估计数不包括与家庭功能障碍,失业,教育,家庭暴力或虐待儿童有关的对个人和家庭的影响。目前,只有五种药物被批准用于治疗酒精和鸦片依赖。



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