
game plan


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Sometimes, quality professionals are dropped into projects that may not be going well. In such a circumstance, a quality professional's role extends to, among other things: (1) developing new processes (2) auditing existing processes (3) examining statistics (4) performing tests (5) managing and motivating the team (6) negotiating contracts (7) benchmarking the company against the excellence model Many of the activities listed above are actually projects in themselves, even if they aren't labelled as such. To illustrate the point, it is worth re-capping on the definition of a project: (1) a project has a temporary organisation - the group of people working on the project, full or part time, brought together to execute the project (2) the project itself is a unique, non-recurring activity. If a project repeats then it is actually a process that you can measure and improve each time you run it. Projects are more challenging because their unique nature means you have not seen the particular set of circumstances and problems before. The design and development programme for the super-jumbo Airbus A380 is a project, for example, but manufacturing the A380 is an impressive, but nonetheless repetitive, set of tasks that constitute a process
机译:有时,高素质的专业人员会被调入效果不佳的项目中。在这种情况下,质量专业人员的作用包括:(1)开发新流程(2)审核现有流程(3)检查统计数据(4)执行测试(5)管理和激励团队(6)谈判合同(7)以卓越模型为基准对公司进行基准测试上面列出的许多活动实际上本身就是项目,即使它们没有这样标记。为了说明这一点,值得重新定义项目的定义:(1)一个项目有一个临时组织-从事该项目的人员(全职或兼职)聚集在一起执行该项目(2 )项目本身是一项独特的,非经常性的活动。如果项目重复,那么实际上它是您每次运行时都可以对其进行衡量和改进的过程。项目更具挑战性,因为它们的独特性质意味着您之前从未见过特定的情况和问题。例如,超大型空中客车A380的设计和开发程序是一个项目,但制造A380是令人印象深刻但又重复的任务集,构成了一个过程



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