首页> 外文期刊>Postharvest Biology and Technology >Conditioning temperature and harvest maturity influence induction of ripening capacity in 'd'Anjou' pear fruit.

Conditioning temperature and harvest maturity influence induction of ripening capacity in 'd'Anjou' pear fruit.

机译:调节温度和收获成熟度影响“ d'Anjou”梨果实成熟能力的诱导。

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The relationship between "d'Anjou" pear fruit maturity at harvest and the postharvest conditioning duration necessary to induce ripening capacity at --0.5, 5, or 10 degrees C was studied at two locations in Oregon. Fruit were harvested weekly for five weeks beginning at the onset of fruit maturity, and conditioned for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 d at each temperature. After 7 d ripening time at 20 degrees C, fruit firmness was measured and the duration of conditioning corresponding to fruit softening to <=17.8 N was calculated. At --0.5 degrees C, approximately 60 d were required to induce ripening capacity in fruit harvested at initial maturity. This decreased over the series of harvest timings to a minimum of approximately 22 d when pears were harvested 28 d after initial maturity. At 5 degrees C, fruit harvested at initial maturity required approximately 30 d to achieve ripening capacity, while those harvested 28 d after initial maturity needed only 2 d. At 10 degrees C, fruit harvested at initial maturity required approximately 18 d to achieve ripening capacity; pears harvested 21 and 28 d after initial maturity ripened in less than 10 d at 10 degrees C, and most of the fruit from these harvest timings were deteriorated at all durations >=10 d at 10 degrees C. The relationship between harvest timing and the conditioning duration necessary to induce ripening at each temperature was well-described by second-order polynomial regression. Using this relationship, the duration of conditioning necessary to induce ripening capacity in "d'Anjou" pears at --0.5, 5, or 10 degrees C corresponding to specific harvest timings can be calculated from the regression equations.
机译:在俄勒冈州的两个地方研究了“ d'Anjou”梨果实成熟时的收获与诱导-0.5、5或10摄氏度下成熟能力所需的收获后调节持续时间之间的关系。从果实成熟开始,每周收获果实,持续五周,并在每种温度下调节10、20、30、40、50或60 d。在20摄氏度下熟化7天后,测量水果硬度,并计算出与水果软化至<= 17.8 N相对应的调节时间。在--0.5摄氏度下,大约需要60 d的时间才能在初始成熟时收获成熟的果实。在最初的成熟期后28天收获梨时,这在一系列收获时间上减少到最少约22 d。在5摄氏度下,初熟时收获的果实大约需要30 d才能达到成熟能力,而初熟后28 d收获的果实仅需要2 d。在10摄氏度时,初熟时收获的果实大约需要18 d才能达到成熟能力;初始成熟度在10摄氏度不到10 d时收获的梨在21和28 d时收获,这些采摘时机的大多数果实在10摄氏度以上> 10 d的所有持续时间内都变质。通过二阶多项式回归可以很好地描述在每个温度下诱导成熟所需的调节时间。利用这种关系,可以从回归方程式中计算出在“ d'Anjou”梨中于-0.5、5或10摄氏度下诱导成熟能力所必需的调节持续时间,具体取决于特定的收获时间。



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