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Psychometric Properties and Adaptation of the ASRS in a Spanish Sample of Patients With Substance Use Disorders: Application of Two IRT Rasch Models

机译:西班牙物质使用障碍患者样本中的心理测量特性和ASRS适应:两种IRT Rasch模型的应用

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The Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS; Kessler et al., 2005) is one of the most extensively used scales to detect attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults. The aim of this work is to analyze the psychometric properties of the 18 ASRS items in people with substance use disorders (SUDs). Furthermore, we aimed to (a) confirm or, if necessary, modify the dichotomization criteria of the items proposed by the authors, and (b) identify the most informative items for a screening version or, when applicable, confirm the use of the 6 items that comprise the initially proposed short version. The ASRS was completed for 170 patients with SUD at the Provincial Unit for Drug Dependence of Huelva, Spain, aged 16 to 78 years. Two Rasch models-the dichotomous Rasch model and the Rating Scale Model (RSM) for polytomous items-were used in the psychometric analysis. The ASRS items fitted the RSM adequately, but the locations of the items along the underlying construct led us to propose new criteria of dichotomization. After analyzing the information function of dichotomized items, we identified 6 items that should integrate a new screening scale. Our dichotomization proposal is different from the original one and takes into account the different weights of the items. The selected screening version showed better metric properties than the other analyzed versions. Future research should test our proposal by using external criteria and to obtain evidences for other populations, cultures, or patient profiles.
机译:成人多动症自我报告量表(ASRS; Kessler等人,2005)是检测成人注意力不足过动症(ADHD)的最广泛使用的量表之一。这项工作的目的是分析物质使用障碍(SUD)患者中18种ASRS项目的心理测量特性。此外,我们旨在(a)确认或在必要时修改作者提出的项目的二分法标准,以及(b)确定筛查版本中提供最多信息的项目,或在适用时确认使用这6种方法包含最初建议的简短版本的项目。西班牙韦尔瓦省药物依赖性省年龄为16至78岁的170名SUD患者完成了ASRS。心理测量分析中使用了两个Rasch模型-二分法Rasch模型和多义项目的评定量表模型(RSM)。 ASRS项充分适合了RSM,但是项沿基础结构的位置使我们提出了新的二分法标准。在分析了二分项目的信息功能之后,我们确定了6个项目,这些项目应该整合一个新的筛选量表。我们的二分法提案与原始提案不同,它考虑了项目的不同权重。所选筛选版本显示出比其他分析版本更好的度量标准属性。未来的研究应该通过使用外部标准来测试我们的建议,并获得其他人群,文化或患者档案的证据。



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