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Home-based mental health care for the elderly in a rural area in Greece


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OLD PEOPLE ARE a major challenge for the mental health system due to risk for certain age-related mental disorders, and failure or delay to make treatment contact with mental health services. In Epirus, Northwestern Greece, the Mobile Mental Health Unit of the prefectures of Ioannina and Thesprotia delivers generic mental health services in rural, remote, mountainous areas for a population of approximately 100 000 inhabitants.Data on elderly care during a 3-month period (from December 2011 to March 2012) were extracted by reviewing the medical records of all treatment-engaged patients during this period. From a total of 132 service-engaged patients during the aforementioned period, 58 (44%) were aged 65 years or older. The majority of these elderly patients (n = 34 or 58.6%) were very old (>75 years). Main diagnoses were dementia and other organic mental disorders (27.6%), schizophrenia and related psychoses (15.5%), and affective disorders (46.5%). More than half of the elderly patients (51.7%) were first assessed for their psychiatric symptoms and received treatment by our unit. Another 41.4% were receiving psychotropic medication without mental health care during the year prior to engagement with our service.
机译:由于某些与年龄有关的精神疾病的风险,以及未能或延迟与精神卫生服务机构取得治疗联系,老年人是精神卫生系统的一项重大挑战。在希腊西北部的伊庇鲁斯,约阿尼纳州和塞斯普罗蒂亚州流动心理健康部门在农村,偏远和山区为约10万居民提供普通心理健康服务.3个月期间的老年人护理数据( (从2011年12月至2012年3月),是通过回顾此期间所有参与治疗的患者的病历来提取的。在上述期间,共有132名服役患者,其中58名(44%)年龄在65岁或以上。这些老年患者中的大多数(n = 34或58.6%)年龄很大(> 75岁)。主要诊断为痴呆和其他器质性精神障碍(27.6%),精神分裂症和相关的精神病(15.5%)和情感障碍(46.5%)。超过一半的老年患者(51.7%)首先接受了精神病症状评估,并接受了我们单位的治疗。在使用我们的服务之前的一年中,另外有41.4%的人接受了精神治疗而没有精神保健。



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