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The practice research network: A successful collaboration in Maryland


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The Practice Research Network (PRN) in Maryland, funded by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health, extends the historically close collaborative relationship between the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Maryland and the Maryland Mental Hygiene Administration. The PRN focuses on the relationship between universitybased investigators and participants in the public mental health system by using local mental health authorities (Core Service Agencies) as the point of contact. PRN staff serve as liaisons to foster partnerships between university researchers and practitioners. The PRN has identified a broader range of research participants by establishing contacts with provider agencies and stakeholder groups. It has addressed concerns about research participation by meeting with consumer and family groups and arranging for investigators to present research projects to stakeholders. This approach to developing a statewide network in support of mental health research can serve as a model for other state and university partnerships.
机译:马里兰州的实践研究网络(PRN)由国家心理健康研究所资助,扩展了马里兰大学精神病学系与马里兰州精神卫生管理局之间历史上紧密的合作关系。 PRN通过使用当地精神卫生主管部门(核心服务机构)作为联系点,着重于大学调查人员与公共精神卫生系统参与者之间的关系。 PRN的工作人员充当联络员,以促进大学研究人员和从业人员之间的伙伴关系。 PRN通过与提供者机构和利益相关者团体建立联系,确定了范围更广的研究参与者。它通过与消费者和家庭团体会面并安排调查人员向利益相关者介绍研究项目,解决了对研究参与的担忧。这种建立全州范围网络以支持心理健康研究的方法可以作为其他州和大学合作伙伴关系的模型。



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