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Examining the relationship between completeness of teachers' implementation of the Krachtvoer healthy diet programme and changes in students' dietary intakes.


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Objective. The goal of the current study was to examine if the completeness of programme implementation and the completeness of implementation of specific programme elements of the Dutch school-based healthy diet promotion programme Krachtvoer are related to short- and longer-term changes in students' fruit, sweets and breakfast intakes. Design. Data on students' dietary intakes were collected 1-4 weeks and 6 months after programme implementation. Teachers filled in a logbook on programme implementation after each lesson. The relationships between changes in students' dietary intakes and completeness of implementation of the programme and of specific programme elements were tested using mixed linear regression analyses. Setting. Thirteen Dutch prevocational schools. Subjects. Eight hundred and seventy-six of the 1117 participating students and eighteen of the twenty-two participating teachers. Results. Completeness of programme implementation was positively related to an increase in fruit consumption in the short term. Completeness of implementation of food exposure activities and a practical lesson on advertisements were related to an increase in fruit consumption in the short as well as the longer term. No such relationships were found for sweets and breakfast consumption. Conclusions. Our results indicate that efforts should be made to help teachers implement the programme as fully as possible
机译:目的。本研究的目的是检查荷兰校本健康饮食促进计划Krachtvoer的计划实施的完整性和特定计划要素的实施完整性是否与学生的短期和长期水果变化有关,糖果和早餐的摄入量。设计。计划实施后1-4周和6个月收集了有关学生饮食摄入量的数据。每节课后,教师填写有关计划实施的日志。使用混合线性回归分析测试了学生饮食摄入量的变化与计划实施和特定计划要素完成程度之间的关系。设置。荷兰的十三所职业学校。主题。 1117名参加活动的学生中的八百七十六名和22名参加活动的老师中的十八名。结果。计划执行的完成与短期内水果消费的增加呈正相关。开展食品接触活动的完整性和广告方面的实际教训与短期和长期水果消费量的增加有关。在糖果和早餐的消费中没有发现这种关系。结论。我们的结果表明,应努力帮助教师尽可能充分地实施该计划



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