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Policy and public health recommendations to promote the initiation and duration of breast-feeding in developed country settings.


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Objective: To develop policy and public health recommendations for implementation at all levels by individuals and organisations working in, or related to, the field of breast-feeding promotion in developed country settings, where breast-feeding rates remain low. Design: Two research phases, comprising (i) an assessment of the formal evidence base in developed country settings and (ii) a consultation with UK-based practitioners, service managers and commissioners, and representatives of service users. The evidence base included three systematic reviews and an Evidence Briefing. One hundred and ten studies evaluating an intervention in developed country settings were assessed for quality and awarded an overall quality rating. Studies with a poor quality rating were excluded. The resulting seventy studies examined twenty-five types of intervention for breast-feeding promotion. These formed the basis of the second consultation phase to develop the evidence-based interventions into recommendations for practice, which comprised (i) pilot consultation, (ii) electronic consultation, (iii) fieldwork meetings and (iv) workshops. Draft findings were synthesised for two rounds of stakeholder review conducted by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Results: Twenty-five recommendations emerged within three complementary and necessary categories, i.e. public health policy, mainstream clinical practice and local interventions. Conclusions: The need for national policy directives was clearly identified as a priority to address many of the barriers experienced by practitioners when trying to work across sectors, organisations and professional groups. Routine implementation of the WHO/UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative across hospital and community services was recommended as core to breast-feeding promotion in the UK. A local mix of complementary interventions is also required.
机译:目标:制定政策和公共卫生建议,以供在发达国家中母乳喂养率仍然很低的发达国家中从事母乳喂养推广工作或与之相关的个人和组织在各级实施。设计:两个研究阶段,包括(i)对发达国家环境中的正式证据基础进行评估,以及(ii)与英国从业人员,服务经理和专员以及服务使用者代表进行的咨询。证据基础包括三个系统的审查和一个证据简报。评估了对发达国家环境中的一项干预措施的110项研究的质量,并给予了总体质量评级。质量等级较差的研究被排除在外。最终的70项研究检查了25种促进母乳喂养的干预措施。这些构成了第二次磋商阶段的基础,以将基于证据的干预措施发展为实践建议,其中包括(i)试点磋商,(ii)电子磋商,(iii)实地调查会议和(iv)研讨会。研究结果草案由美国国家卫生与临床卓越研究所进行了两轮利益相关者审查。结果:在公共卫生政策,主流临床实践和当地干预措施这三个互补且必要的类别中提出了25条建议。结论:国家政策指令的需求被明确确定为解决从业人员跨部门,组织和专业团体工作时遇到的许多障碍的优先事项。建议在英国医院和社区服务机构中定期实施WHO / UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative,将其作为促进母乳喂养的核心。还需要在本地进行补充干预。



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