首页> 外文期刊>Psychological science: a journal of the American Psychological Society >Undercontrolled Temperament at Age 3 Predicts Disordered Gambling at Age 32: A Longitudinal Study of a Complete Birth Cohort

Undercontrolled Temperament at Age 3 Predicts Disordered Gambling at Age 32: A Longitudinal Study of a Complete Birth Cohort


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Using data from the large, 30-year prospective Dunedin cohort study, we examined whether preexisting individual differences in childhood temperament predicted adulthood disordered gambling (a diagnosis covering the full continuum of gambling-related problems). A 90-min observational assessment at age 3 was used to categorize children into five temperament groups, including one primarily characterized by behavioral and emotional undercontrol. The children with undercontrolled temperament at 3 years of age were more than twice as likely to evidence disordered gambling at ages 21 and 32 than were children who were well-adjusted at age 3. These associations could not be explained by differences in childhood IQ or family socioeconomic status. Cleanly demonstrating the temporal relation between behavioral undercontrol and adult disordered gambling is an important step toward building more developmentally sensitive theories of disordered gambling and may put researchers in a better position to begin considering potential routes to disordered-gambling prevention through enhancing self-control and emotional regulation.
机译:使用一项为期30年的但尼丁前瞻性大型队列研究的数据,我们检查了儿童气质中既存的个体差异是否预测了成年后的赌博失误(该诊断涵盖了与赌博有关的问题的全部连续性)。在3岁时进行了90分钟的观察性评估,将儿童分为五个气质组,其中一个主要特征是行为和情绪控制不足。 3岁时气质失控的儿童在21岁和32岁时表现出赌博失调的可能性是3岁时适应性良好的孩子的两倍多。这些联系不能用儿童智商或家庭差异来解释社会经济状况。清晰地证明行为失控与成人无序赌博之间的时间关系是建立对发展更为敏感的无序赌博理论的重要一步,并可能使研究人员处于更好的位置,开始通过增强自我控制和情感来考虑预防无序赌博的潜在途径规。



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