首页> 外文期刊>Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics >The Time Characteristics Making Exact the Screening by Aerodispersion from Smolke Grenade with the Charge Based on Red Phosphorus

The Time Characteristics Making Exact the Screening by Aerodispersion from Smolke Grenade with the Charge Based on Red Phosphorus


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The time of ignition #tau#_r,the time of burning #tau#_h,and the time of burning-out #tau#_d at the definite wave length of radiation being attenuated can be detarmined reliably from time course of attenuation of radiation caused by aerodispersions generated from the smoke protection grenades. In case of grenades being tested containing the smoke mixtures with red phosphorus,the first mentioned time characteristics at the wave length of radiation 10.6 #mu#m were typical by longer values than at the wave length 0.82 #mu#m.With the grenades containing charges of smoke mixture in pressings the maximum attenuation values 0.82 #mu#m were reached at the time of ignition #tau#_r=3 s,at the wave length 10.6 #mu#m approximately up to #tau# =5 s.The mentioned values of ignition #tau# and the time of burning #tau#_h make exact the technical data of screening smokes created from the smoke grenades mentioned.
机译:从所引起的辐射衰减的时间过程可以可靠地确定在衰减的辐射的确定波长下的点火时间#tau#_r,燃烧时间#tau#_h和燃尽时间#tau#_d。由烟雾防护手榴弹产生的气散引起。在测试含有红色磷烟雾混合物的手榴弹的情况下,首先提到的时间特性是在辐射波长10.6#mu#m处具有比在波长0.82#mu#m处更长的值。点火时#tau#_r = 3 s,在波长10.6#mu#m大约达到#tau#= 5 s时达到了最大的衰减值0.82#mu#m。提到的#tau#点火值和#tau#_h燃烧时间精确地筛选了由上述烟雾弹产生的烟雾。



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