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Canola quality rapeseed mustard is better for human health


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Studies have shown that oils rich in erucic acid are not desirable for edible purposes as these cause thickening of arteries and lead to heart problems. PAU has developed canola quality raya and gobhi sarson which have almost negligible amounts of these harmful seeds. They are nutritionally much superior as compared to traditionally grown cultivars.Raya, gobhi sarson and toria, also known as rapeseed and mustard, are important oilseed crops grown in Punjab during winter season. Since ages, these crops are a major source of fats of vegetable origin. The small seed of these crops contains about 38 -44 per cent oil which is primarily used for edible purposes whereas defatted residue, known also as seed meal, is used as animal feed. Rapeseed-mustard varieties cultivated prior to 2002 in India used to contain high proportion of erucic and eicosenoic acids in oil, and undesirable sulphur compounds known as glucosinolates in seed meal. Studies have shown that oils rich in erucic acid are not desirable for edible purposes as these cause thickening of arteries and lead to heart problems. Similarly, the defatted residue of non canola cultivars when used as animal feed reduce appetite, reproductivity and affect thyroid activity leading to thyroid associated health problems. PAU has developed raya and gobhi sarson genotypes which have almost negligible amounts of these harmful seed constituents. Such genotypes are known as canola or double zero ('00'). Elimination of long chain erucic acid in these genotypes has been accompanied by increase in the proportion ofdesirable oleic acid (MUFA) from 10-20 % to more than 50%. Thus oil and seed meal of canola genotypes is nutritionally superior as compared to traditionally grown non canola cultivars. In advanced countries only canola oil is used as edible oil. It is generally recommended by the nutritional experts due to low level of saturated fatty acids, high level of MUFA and desirable amounts of PUFA's. Nutritionally it is even superior to highly prized olive oil which is low in the content of PUFA's especially linolenic acid which is important component of cell membranes and nervous system. Defatted canola seed meal also contains very low amounts of glucosinolates (<30 pinoles per g) and thus is valuable animal feed.
机译:研究表明,富含芥酸的油不可用于食用,因为它们会引起动脉增厚并导致心脏疾病。 PAU已开发出芥花籽油品质的raya和gobhi sarson,这些有害种子的含量几乎可以忽略不计。与传统栽培品种相比,它们在营养上要优越得多。Raya,gobhi sarson和toria,也称为油菜籽和芥末,是冬季旁遮普邦种植的重要油料作物。自古以来,这些作物是植物来源脂肪的主要来源。这些农作物的小种子含有约38 -44%的油,主要用于食用,而脱脂的残渣(也称为种子粉)用作动物饲料。 2002年之前在印度种植的菜籽芥末品种过去在油中含有高比例的芥子酸和二十碳烯酸,在种子粕中还含有不受欢迎的硫磺化合物,称为芥子油苷。研究表明,富含芥酸的油不可用于食用,因为它们会引起动脉增厚并导致心脏疾病。同样,非油菜品种的脱脂残渣用作动物饲料时会降低食欲,繁殖力并影响甲状腺活动,从而导致甲状腺相关的健康问题。 PAU已开发了raya和gobhi sarson基因型,其中这些有害种子成分的量几乎可以忽略不计。这样的基因型被称为双低油菜籽或双零('00')。在消除这些基因型中的长链芥酸的同时,所需油酸(MUFA)的比例也从10%增至20%到50%以上。因此,与传统种植的非双低油菜栽培品种相比,双低油菜籽基因型的油和籽粕在营养上更为优越。在发达国家,仅将菜籽油用作食用油。营养专家通常建议使用这种方法,因为饱和脂肪酸含量低,MUFA含量高且PUFA含量适中。从营养上讲,它甚至比珍贵的橄榄油优越,后者的PUFA特别是亚麻酸含量低,而亚麻酸是细胞膜和神经系统的重要组成部分。脱脂的低芥酸菜子籽粕还含有极少量的芥子油苷(每克<30品脱),因此是有价值的动物饲料。



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