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Safety measures to avoid farm accidents


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About 5600 accidents take place every year during farm operations. Approximately in 75 per cent of these accident, farm machines are involved. An accident can occur with any one at any time. But we can considerably reduce the risk if we are careful. IN Punjab about 4.5 lakh tractors, 4.2 lakh cultivators, 3.5 lakh disk harrows, 2.6 lakh seed drills, 3.2 lakh threshers and 11.5 lakh tubewells are used by the farmers. About 5600 accidents take place every year during farm operations. Approximately in 75 per cent cases of accident, farm machines are involved and in rest 25 % accident cases such as snake bite, dog bite, falling in well etc. machines are not involved. Farm accidents involve almost all sections of society. In a survey conducted by PAU Ludhiana, it was found that in 7% cases of accidents women were involved and 20% of total victims were unmarried. Forty seven victims were illiterate and 26% primary school pass. Among total 54% and 34% victims were in the age group of 18-40 and 40-60 yearrespectively. While working on farm about 17%, 41% and 16% accidents took place during 12.00-3.00 PM, 3.00 - 6,00 PM and 6.00 - 9.00 PM respectively. About 19% accidents were fatal. Only 21% victims of farm accidents could receive monetary benefits of rehabilitation. This means an accident can occur with any one at any time. But we can considerably reduce the risk if we become careful. The following safety gadgets, and precautions if adopted can be helpful to reduce farm accidents.
机译:农场运营期间,每年大约发生5600起事故。在这些事故中,约有75%涉及农业机械。任何时候任何人都可能发生事故。但是,如果我们小心谨慎,我们可以大大降低风险。在旁遮普邦,农民使用了大约450万拖拉机,42万耕种机,35万圆盘耙,26万种子播种机,32万脱粒打谷机和115万耕种场。农场运营期间,每年大约发生5600起事故。大约有75%的事故案例涉及农业机械,而其余25%的事故案例,例如蛇咬,狗咬,掉进井口等都没有涉及。农场事故几乎涉及社会的各个方面。在PAU Ludhiana进行的一项调查中,发现7%的事故案例中涉及妇女,总受害者中有20%未婚。 47名文盲和26%的小学及格率。在分别为18-40岁和40-60岁的年龄组中,分别有54%和34%的受害者。在农场工作时,分别在12.00-3.00 PM,3.00-6.00 PM和6.00-9.00 PM期间分别发生了17%,41%和16%的事故。约19%的事故是致命的。仅有21%的农业事故受害人可以获得康复的金钱利益。这意味着任何时候任何人都可能发生事故。但是,如果我们小心谨慎,就可以大大降低风险。以下安全小工具以及采取的预防措施可有助于减少农场事故。



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