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Aonla - Ideal fruit for dry land horticulture


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Being a minor fruit crop, aonla has great commercial significance Its fruits are richest source of vitamin C and have good amount of vitamin B, carbohydrates and iron. Aonla fruit is highly valued for its medicinal properties and is extensively used,in many pharmaceutical preparations like Chavanprash, Triphla and preserves. Besides fruits, leaves, bark and even seeds are used in treating chronic dysentery, bronchitis, diabetes, fever, diarrhea, jaundice and cough. Owing to hardy nature, suitabilityto various waste lands even alkaline soils, high yield and iess water requirement old throughout the year, aonla has become an ideal fruit for dry land horticulture. It is not much affected either by high temperature or frost. The young plants should be protected from hot winds during May-June and from frost during winter at least up to 3 to 4 years. The mature tree can tolerate freezing temperature as well as temperature as high as 46°C.
机译:作为一种次要的水果作物,aonla具有重要的商业意义。其水果是维生素C的最丰富来源,并且含有大量的维生素B,碳水化合物和铁。 Aonla水果因其药用特性而受到高度重视,并广泛用于Chavanprash,Triphla和蜜饯等许多药物制剂中。除了水果,叶子,树皮甚至种子还用于治疗慢性痢疾,支气管炎,糖尿病,发烧,腹泻,黄疸和咳嗽。由于坚韧的性质,对各种荒地甚至碱性土壤的适应性,高产和一年四季都需水的需求,aonla已成为旱地园艺的理想果实。它不受高温或霜冻的影响很大。应保护幼小植物在5月至6月免受热风侵袭,并在冬季(至少3至4年)免受霜冻。成熟的树可以忍受冻结温度以及高达46°C的温度。



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