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TIMING IS EVERYTHING: Medical helicopters can-be rural America's fastest way to life-saving care


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The last thing Don Rasa wanted to hear that March morning in 2005 was the sound of helicopter blades whirring overhead. The EMTs who were working on him had called for a medical helicopter because they wanted to get him to a trauma center in Kansas City as soon as possible. ButRasa didn't think there was any hurry; his foot didn't hurt that much, even though he had just been run over by a skid loader. "I told them I didn't need a helicopter. I wanted the ambulance to take me to Warrensburg, which was about 30 miles away," remembers the Higginsville, Mo., farmer. But the EMTs' expertise and experience prevailed, and soon Rasa was in the air. "About two or three minutes before we landed [at the end of a 15-minute, 145 mph flight], the pain set in," Rasa says. "
机译:唐·拉萨(Don Rasa)想要听到的最后一件事是2005年3月的早晨,直升机桨叶在头顶旋转。正在为他工作的EMT要求使用医疗直升机,因为他们希望尽快将他送往堪萨斯城的创伤中心。但是拉萨并不认为有任何急事。即使他刚刚被装载机撞倒,他的脚也没有受到太大伤害。密苏里州希金斯维尔的农民回忆说:“我告诉他们,我不需要直升飞机。我希望救护车将我带到大约30英里外的沃伦斯堡。”但是EMT的专业知识和经验占了上风,很快Rasa出现了。 Rasa说:“大约15时速145英里/小时的飞行降落前两到三分钟,疼痛就开始了。” ”



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