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Proteomics of ischemia and reperfusion injuries in rabbit myocardium with and without intervention by an oxygen-free radical scavenger


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A brief period of ischemia followed by timely reperfusion may lead to prolonged, yet reversible, contractile dysfunction (myocardial stunning). Damage to the myocardium occurs not only during ischemia, but also during reperfusion, where a massive release of oxygen-free radicals (OFR) occurs. We have previously utilized 2-DE and MS to define 57 protein spot changes during brief ischemia/reperfusion (15 min ischemia, 60 min reperfusion; 15I/60R) injury in a rabbit model (White, M. Y., Cordwell, S. J., McCarron, H. C. K., Prasan, A. M. et al., Proteomics 2005, 5,1395-1410) and shown that the majority of these occur because of physical and/or chemical PTMs. In this study, we subjected rabbit myocardium to 15I/60R in the presence of the OFR scavenger N-(2-mercaptopropionyl) glycine (MPG). Thirty-seven of 57 protein spots altered during 151/60R remained at control levels in the presence of MPG (15I/60R + MPG). Changes to contractile proteins, including myosin light chain 2 (MLC-2) and troponin C (ThC), were prevented by the addition of MPG. To further investigate the individual effects of ischemia and reperfusion, we generated 2-DE gels from rabbit myocardium subjected to brief ischemia alone (15I/0R), and observed alterations of 33 protein spots, including 18/20 seen in both 15I/60R-treated and 15I/ 60R + MPG-treated tissue. The tissue was also subjected to ischemia. in the presence of MPG (15I/0R + MPG), and 21 spot changes, representing 14 protein variants, remained altered despite the presence of the OFR scavenger. These ischemia-specific proteins comprised those involved in energy metabolism (lactate dehydrogenase and ATP synthase (X), redox regulation (NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase 51 kDa and GST Mu), and stress response (Hsp27 and 70, and deamidated alpha B-crystallin). We conclude that contractile dysfunction associated with myocardial stunning is predominantly caused by OFR damage at the onset of reperfusion, but that OFR-independent damage also occurs during ischemia. These ischemia-specific protein modifications may be indicative of early myocardial injury.
机译:短暂的局部缺血然后及时再灌注可能会导致长期但可逆的收缩功能障碍(心肌电击)。对心肌的损害不仅发生在缺血期间,而且还发生在再灌注期间,在那里大量释放氧自由基(OFR)发生。我们先前曾利用2-DE和MS定义了兔子模型(White,MY,Cordwell,SJ,McCarron,HCK)在短暂缺血/再灌注(15分钟缺血,60分钟再灌注; 15I / 60R)损伤期间的57个蛋白点变化,例如,Prasan,AM等,Proteomics 2005,5,1395-1410),并且显示其中大多数是由于物理和/或化学PTM而发生的。在这项研究中,我们在OFR清除剂N-(2-巯基丙酰基)甘氨酸(MPG)存在的情况下对兔心肌进行15I / 60R处理。在存在MPG(15I / 60R + MPG)的情况下,在151 / 60R期间改变的57个蛋白点中的37个保持在对照水平。加入MPG可防止包括肌球蛋白轻链2(MLC-2)和肌钙蛋白C(ThC)在内的收缩蛋白发生变化。为了进一步研究局部缺血和再灌注的个体效应,我们从仅经历短暂局部缺血(15I / 0R)的兔心肌中生成了2-DE凝胶,并观察到33个蛋白点的改变,包括在15I / 60R-中均观察到的18/20经15I / 60R + MPG处理的组织。该组织也经受局部缺血。尽管存在OFR清除剂,但在MPG(15I / 0R + MPG)存在的情况下,代表14种蛋白质变体的21个斑点变化仍保持改变。这些局部缺血特异性蛋白包括参与能量代谢的蛋白(乳酸脱氢酶和ATP合酶(X),氧化还原调节(NADH泛醌氧化还原酶51 kDa和GST Mu)和应激反应(Hsp27和70,以及脱酰胺的αB-晶状体蛋白)。我们得出的结论是,与心肌电击有关的收缩功能障碍主要是由再灌注开始时的OFR损伤引起的,但缺血过程中也会发生非OFR依赖性损伤,这些缺血特异性蛋白的修饰可能预示着早期心肌损伤。



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