首页> 外文期刊>Nova Hedwigia: Zeitschrift fur Kryptogamenkunde >Interactive effects of macronutrients and metals (Mn, Co, Zn) on the ephemeral green alga Ulva rigida C. Agardh (Chlorophyta, Ulvophyceae, Ulvales)

Interactive effects of macronutrients and metals (Mn, Co, Zn) on the ephemeral green alga Ulva rigida C. Agardh (Chlorophyta, Ulvophyceae, Ulvales)

机译:大量营养素和金属(锰,钴,锌)对短暂绿藻Ulva hardica C. Agardh(绿藻,绿藻科,Ulvales)的相互作用

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Interactive effects of excess macronutrients (phosphates, nitrates) and metals (Mn, Co, Zn) which act as micronutrients, on the ephemeral green alga Ulva rigida were studied under controlled conditions "in vitro". Nitrate and phosphate were applied singly or in a dual combination together with the single metals. Three experimental series with plants belonging to spring and autumn populations were carried out. In control samples, lacking metals, spring plants exhibited a higher growth in phosphate than in nitrate-enriched media, while the opposite was found for the autumn plants. The presence of metals (Mn, Cc) changed the sequence of growth responses to ambient nutrients. Modifications of growth responses were dependent on the time when the plants were collected. Results indicated that metal accumulation was dependent on the presence of nutrients in the media. It was the highest for Mn and lowest for Zn, and higher in autumn than in spring plants of Ulva rigida. In two of the experimental series a positive relationship between growth expressions and Mn accumulation was indicated. The relationship between Co or Zn accumulation and growth did not follow definite trends. The nitrogen content of the experimental plants suggested a correlation with the ambient metals, Mn promoting nitrogen uptake in nitrate enriched media, while Zn was inhibitory. Results indicated that Ulva rigida has a greater ability to accumulate phosphorus than nitrogen and that the presence of metals depressed the phosphorus uptake in phosphate enriched media. The carbon content of the plants exhibited irregular variations related to the presence of nutrients and their interactions with ambient metals. It was usually elevated in the presence of nitrate and its combinations with Mn and Co. A maximum in carbon content found simultaneously with maxima in nitrogen uptake, Mn accumulation and growth suggests that Mn plays a central role in macro-micronutrient interactions.
机译:在“体外”受控条件下研究了过量的常量营养素(磷酸盐,硝酸盐)和作为微量营养素的金属(锰,钴,锌)对短暂的绿藻类Ulva僵硬菌的相互作用。硝酸盐和磷酸盐单独或与单一金属混合使用。对属于春季和秋季种群的植物进行了三个实验系列。在缺乏金属的对照样品中,春季植物的磷酸盐生长速率高于富含硝酸盐的培养基,而秋季植物的生长速率则相反。金属(Mn,Cc)的存在改变了对环境养分的生长反应顺序。生长反应的改变取决于收集植物的时间。结果表明,金属积累取决于培养基中养分的存在。锰含量最高,锌含量最低,秋季比石Ul的春季植物高。在两个实验系列中,表明了生长表达与Mn积累之间的正相关关系。 Co或Zn积累与生长之间的关系没有明确的趋势。实验植物的氮含量暗示与周围金属相关,Mn促进硝酸盐富集培养基中氮的吸收,而Zn具有抑制作用。结果表明,相比于氮,硬石楠具有更强的磷积累能力,并且金属的存在降低了富含磷酸盐的培养基中磷的吸收。植物的碳含量表现出与养分的存在及其与周围金属的相互作用有关的不规则变化。它通常在存在硝酸盐及其与Mn和Co结合的情况下会升高。碳含量的最大值与氮的吸收,Mn积累和生长的最大值同时出现,这表明Mn在大量微量营养元素相互作用中起着核心作用。



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