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3D scanning: Laser Scanning the I-35W Bridge Collapse: Minnesota DOT's Story


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Much has been made of the role aerial mappers and surveyors have played in victim rescue and bridge reconstruction after the August 1, 2007 collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis. But what about laser scanning? This is the story of how the Minnesota Department of Transportation deployed 3D laser scanning to capture a detailed forensic record of the bridge collapse and help with the ensuing investigation. Bradley Canaday, MN/DOT's administrative land surveyor manager for Metro Surveys, tells how it began. "I first heard the news about 15 minutes after it happened," he says. "My son saw the news on television and called me to find out if I was okay. My next call was to my boss, Terry Zoller, Metro District construction engineer leading the recovery effort, to ask if I should come in. He said he'd let me know--he was already on his way to our main office at the Water's Edge."
机译:在2007年8月1日明尼阿波利斯的I-35W桥梁倒塌之后,航空测绘仪和测量师在受害者营救和桥梁重建中所起的作用已经得到了很大的体现。但是激光扫描呢?这是明尼苏达州交通运输部如何部署3D激光扫描以捕获桥梁倒塌的详细法医记录并帮助进行后续调查的故事。 MN / DOT的Metro Surveys行政土地测量师经理Bradley Canaday讲述了这是如何开始的。他说:“消息传出后约十五分钟,我第一次听到了这个消息。” “我的儿子在电视上看到了新闻,并打电话给我找出我是否还好。我的下一个电话是与领导恢复工作的大都会区建筑工程师特里·佐勒(Terry Zoller)询问我是否应该进来。他说让我知道-他已经在去水边的总公司了。”



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