首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Royal Society. Biological sciences >Mating portfolios: bet-hedging, sexual selection and female multiple mating

Mating portfolios: bet-hedging, sexual selection and female multiple mating


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Polyandry (female multiple mating) has profound evolutionary and ecological implications. Despite considerable work devoted to understanding why females mate multiply, we currently lack convincing empirical evidence to explain the adaptive value of polyandry. Here, we provide a direct test of the controversial idea that bet-hedging functions as a risk-spreading strategy that yields multi-generational fitness benefits to polyandrous females. Unfortunately, testing this hypothesis is far from trivial, and the empirical comparison of the across-generations fitness payoffs of a polyandrous (bet hedger) versus a monandrous (non-bet hedger) strategy has never been accomplished because of numerous experimental constraints presented by most 'model' species. In this study, we take advantage of the extraordinary tractability and versatility of a marine broadcast spawning invertebrate to overcome these challenges. We are able to simulate multi-generational (geometric mean) fitness among individual females assigned simultaneously to a polyandrous and monandrous mating strategy. Our approaches, which separate and account for the effects of sexual selection and pure bet-hedging scenarios, reveal that bet-hedging, in addition to sexual selection, can enhance evolutionary fitness in multiply mated females. In addition to offering a tractable experimental approach for addressing bet-hedging theory, our study provides key insights into the evolutionary ecology of sexual interactions.
机译:一妻多夫(雌性多次交配)具有深远的进化和生态意义。尽管为了解雌性为何繁衍而进行了大量工作,但我们目前仍缺乏令人信服的经验证据来解释一夫多妻制的适应性价值。在这里,我们对有争议的想法进行了直接检验,即对冲作为一种风险分散策略,可以为一夫多妻女性带来多代健身的好处。不幸的是,测试该假设远非微不足道,由于大多数人提出了许多实验性约束,因此一揽子(赌注套期保值者)与单子(非赌注套期保值者)策略的跨代适应性收益的实证比较从未实现。 “模型”物种。在这项研究中,我们利用海洋广播产卵无脊椎动物的非凡的可处理性和多功能性来克服这些挑战。我们能够模拟同时分配给一夫多妻制和一夫一妻制交配策略的女性个体的多代(几何平均值)适应度。我们的方法分离并考虑了性选择和纯对冲情景的影响,结果表明,除性选择外,对冲还可以增强成年女性的进化适应性。除了提供解决赌注套期保值理论的简便实验方法外,我们的研究还提供了有关性交往进化生态学的重要见识。



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