首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M. Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment >Geometric considerations for the design of production-friendly high-speed ship hull forms

Geometric considerations for the design of production-friendly high-speed ship hull forms


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This study examines the feasibility of designing high-speed ships with hull-form geometry suitable for planked construction, with the aim of reducing the hull construction cost. An algorithm is developed for placing prismatic planks on to a three-dimensional hull form to represent a planked construction. A number of well-known hull forms are examined using the algorithm developed in order to assess their suitability for this construction technique. It is shown that typical round-bilged forms are unsuitable for planked construction, since an undesirably large proportion of the material strength will be used in forming the structure. A conceptual design for a simplified hull form is developed which contains significantly reduced levels of double curvature, and this design is shown to be suitable for planked construction, as well as offering the potential for advantages in conventional plated construction. It is further shown that the hydrodynamic resistance of this conceptual design is comparable with a more traditional form.



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