首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J. Journal of engineering tribology >Predicting sliding wear behaviour of a tin-based white metal under varying pressure and speed conditions

Predicting sliding wear behaviour of a tin-based white metal under varying pressure and speed conditions


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To determine the effects of loading on the sliding wear behaviour of a tin-based white bearing metal JIS WJ2, experiments were performed over a range of pressures and speeds. A linear relation between stress and cut-off life was obtained on the log-log plot at constant shaft speed. These relations were expressed as different straight lines on the log-log plot, which depend on the shaft speed. However, there is a unique curve in the relation, frictional stress versus cut-off life, regardless of the shaft speeds. To establish a quantitative method of analysing the steady-state sliding wear mode, the following constitutive relation was proposed d{sub}w/d{sub}N = A(τ{top}- - (τ{top}-){sub}(th)) where w is the amount of wear, N the number of shaft rotations, A the material constant, T the interfacial shear stress, and (τ{top}-){sub}(th) the threshold level for wear damage. The aforementioned equation has been used as a basis for estimating wear life. Good agreement between the predictions and the experimental results was obtained.
机译:为了确定载荷对锡基白色轴承金属JIS WJ2的滑动磨损行为的影响,在一定的压力和速度范围内进行了实验。在恒定轴转速下,通过对数-对数图获得应力与截止寿命之间的线性关系。这些关系在对数对数图上表示为不同的直线,取决于直线速度。但是,不管轴的速度如何,摩擦应力与截止寿命之间的关系都有一条独特的曲线。为了建立分析稳态滑动磨损模式的定量方法,提出了以下本构关系:d {sub} w / d {sub} N = A(τ{top}--(τ{top}-){sub }(th)),其中w是磨损量,N是轴转数,A是材料常数,T是界面剪切应力,而(τ{top}-){sub}(th)磨损阈值损伤。前述方程式已被用作估计磨损寿命的基础。预测结果与实验结果吻合良好。



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