首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H. Journal of Engineering in Medicine >Jar-opening challenges. Part 1: an apparatus for assessing hand and finger torques and forces in a jar-opening activity

Jar-opening challenges. Part 1: an apparatus for assessing hand and finger torques and forces in a jar-opening activity


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A simulated jar apparatus was developed to record hand kinetics and torque contribution of a digit during jar-opening activities. The design of the apparatus, namely a jar body and a lid, is similar to a commercial jam jar that is regularly seen in daily living. One six-axis force-torque transducer and a torque cell were mounted inside the jar lid to detect the external force exerted from the digit and fixed on to the jar body to record the overall torque generated by the hand and wrist respectively. The applications of the apparatus were used to test the twisting torque of the hand and to measure the applied forces of the digit, which are both important factors in opening a jar. The contribution of each digit relative to the total twisting torque of the hand could be obtained via the apparatus. The intraclass correlation coefficient of the repeated measurements of the obtained forces and moments for different counterweights was approximately 0.96-1.00, which indicates that the reliability of the measured components of the apparatus is high. The high coefficient of determination (r{sup}2 > 0.99) indicates high accuracy of prediction of the measured values with respect to the expected loads. The validation outcomes support the design rationale and actual body part of the simulated jar. In addition, understanding the contribution of a single digit in opening a jar was also achieved via the apparatus and model.
机译:开发了一种模拟的开罐器,以记录开罐过程中手指的手部动力学和扭矩贡献。该设备的设计,即罐体和盖子,类似于在日常生活中经常看到的商业果酱罐。一个六轴力扭矩传感器和一个扭矩传感器安装在罐盖内,以检测由手指施加的外力并固定在罐体上,以分别记录手和手腕产生的总扭矩。该设备的应用被用来测试手的扭转扭矩并测量手指的施加力,这都是打开罐子的重要因素。每个手指相对于手的总扭转扭矩的贡献可以通过该设备获得。对于不同的配重,重复测量获得的力和力矩的组内相关系数约为0.96-1.00,这表明该设备的被测部件的可靠性很高。高的确定系数(r {sup} 2> 0.99)表示相对于预期负载的测量值预测的高精度。验证结果支持模拟罐的设计原理和实际主体部分。另外,通过该装置和模型也了解了单个数字在打开广口瓶中的作用。



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