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An Exotic Early Bronze Age Funerary Assemblage from Stanbury, West Yorkshire


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The chance find of a discrete pit containing an Early Bronze Age funerary deposit was made at Stanbury, West Yorkshire, during the spring of 2007. A large Collared Urn, which was inverted, contained the cremated remains of a young male, together with a stone battle-axe, a bone belt-hook and pin, a pair of copper alloy earrings, and an accessory vessel. The burial was accompanied by two further Collared Urns, one of which wasnear complete. The two radiocarbon dates obtained have allowed a fairly tight date range of 1960-1780 calBC to be proposed. This combination of pyre and grave goods is apparently unique, while a number of the items are exotic to Pennine Yorkshire.
机译:2007年春季,在西约克郡的斯坦伯(Stanbury)偶然发现了一个包含青铜时代早期葬礼沉积物的离散坑。一个大的衣领Ur倒立,里面装有一个年轻男性的火化遗骸,以及一块石头。战斧,皮带钩和大头针,一对铜合金耳环和一个附属容器。葬礼还伴有另外两只衣领骨灰盒,其中一只即将完成。获得的两次放射性碳测年数据提出了一个相对紧凑的日期范围,即1960-1780 calBC。柴堆和坟墓物品的这种组合显然是独特的,而许多物品对宾宁·约克郡来说是异国情调的。



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